𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼: 𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟷

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It was finally day for filming, we had spent a few months training for any stunts we have to do, in the near future. Over those few days me and Walker had become closer than ever, we were inseparable. If I was somewhere he wasn't too far and vise versa.
    We arrived at the set and we all went out separate ways to get makeup, hair, clothes, etc done before we could shoot. My makeup stylist was working on my makeup when the door to my trailer opened, and in walked Walker, he was already ready to film. "Hey Y/n" he smiled as he sat down in the chair beside me.
"Hey" I smiled at him through the mirror since I couldn't turn to face him, "how are you already finished getting ready?" You asked him as he literally took like 10 minutes.
"Yeah, I didn't have to do much, just change and get my hair done" he chuckled as we made eye contact through the mirror, you blushed and looked away.
"Lucky" I mumbled as I saw my hair stylist walk in "hey Marry" I smiled at her as she placed her bag down she smiled back at me.
   After probably another 30 minutes I was finally finished, the whole time me and Walker were talking, and he took some pictures, I told him if I see them posted on instagram I would kill him, we joked around, you know the usual, and now we were finally ready to film.

   After probably another 30 minutes I was finally finished, the whole time me and Walker were talking, and he took some pictures, I told him if I see them posted on instagram I would kill him, we joked around, you know the usual, and now we were ...

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^ what your r wearing, you can always change it

   "You ready?" I asked Walker as they were getting the set ready for our first day of filming.
  "Totally, it's going to be so fun!" He smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I smiled as I saw Aryan coming over to us.
   "Hey Aryan! You ready?" I asked him as he stopped in front of us. He nodded, I could tell he was a little nervous, not going to lie I was too.
I heard us being called for our first scene. I took a deep breath and followed after Aryan and Walker, ready to shoot.
Scene 1- action
"Look, I didn't want t to be a half-blood." Walker spoke as me and Aryan stood off to the side waiting for our scene. "Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary" he continued to say his script, "Most of the time it gets you killed, in painful, nasty ways. If you think you might be one of us, my advice is turn away while you still can, because once you know what you are... they'll sense it too and they'll come for you. Don't say I didn't warn you." he paused for a moment, "my name is Percy Jackson. I'm twelve years old. Am I a troubled kid? Yeah, you could say that. Bad grades, bullies, all the normal stuff. And then there is some other stuff. Some stuff that's... maybe not so normal." he finished his line and they cut the scene and I gave Walker a thumbs up. Then the boy who was playing his younger self shot his scene where he was standing on a roof staring at something that stood on a different roof. The scene went on about how he would see stuff again and again, and how other kids his age should make fun of him for it, and that's where the little girl who plays my younger self comes in.
"Leave him alone!" she yelled at the other kids who were laughing at him, yup, Percy and I, well Aurora, have been friends, best friends, since who knows when. Let's just say it was a very long time.
Then we met Grover, when we were transferred to a boarding school for special, or troubled kids. The thing is, I had been seeing weird stuff as well, but I didn't want to tell them, because they were already dealing with Percy's stuff and I didn't want to be a burden, so I just left it, and let Percy basically talk to Grover, and myself, about the things he had been seeing. They were imaginary, and weird but harmless, until that all changed one day. Until the day one of them decided to come for him, well us.
    We were brought to a museum full of the Greek gods as we know of them, I stood next to Percy, holding my clipboard and paper, as I let out an annoyed sigh as Mr. Brunner kept talking about the statues. I looked around and admired them as I kind of ignored our teacher. I looked at my paper and the words were moving on the paper, and I got annoyed so I walked over to Percy who was standing in front of "Persues"
   "You okay, Percy?" I asked as I placed my hand on his shoulder, concerned for my best friend. He jumped a little as he called out for his mom. And then a group of girls, lead by the one and only Nancy, god I hate that bitch. I glared at her but they kept laughing, I didn't hear anything that Mrs. Dodds had said to Percy I was too busy glaring at Nancy as she and her little minions continued to laugh and quietly make fun of him. I was about to tell them off but Mr. Brunner spoke before I could.
"Enough," he said and he rolled himself over to me and Percy, "pay them no mind" he said to the both of us, as I rolled my eyes. He had said something else to Percy but I wasn't paying attention until he had placed something in both mine in Percy's hand, I looked down and saw a pen. I raised my eyebrow at it before going to say something to Mr. Brunner but he was already gone, he moves really fast for a person in a wheelchair. I looked over at Percy in confusion but he just shrugged before he dragged me over to where Grover was as he was waiting for us to eat our lunch. I was just eating my lunch as they were talking about Nancy, I rolled my eyes but when Percy brought up the idea of shoving Nancy into a dumpster, I didn't waste a second to agree with him.
"We totally should do that" I spoke up with my mouth full of my sandwich.
"oh" was all Grover said in response as he looked shocked but also disappointed then he started to speak again as he realized me and Percy weren't joking around, "oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, if there's one thing I know about bullies, it is that you should never ever stand up to them." I scoffed at his response and went back to eating my sandwich as I listened to the other two still talking about how Percy wanted to still push Nancy into the nearest dumpster.
I was interrupted when a piece of cheese hit Grover on the side of his head, I instantly looked up and saw Nancy.
"Oops" she said and I immediately stood up and followed after her as she walked away, Percy got up and followed after me and Nancy.
"Aurora, Percy" Grover called after us but neither of us listened.
"Listen here you bitch-" I started as I got in her face as I pointed at here but then she was flung back into the water fountain. Percy had stood next to me as we looked at her in the water, both shocked, I looked at him and he looked at me and I slightly shrugged my shoulders, confused. Percy looked at his hands and then at mine, which were now hanging by my side, as I had dropped them after, Nancy had flown into the water fountain.
"They pushed me!" Nancy yelled as she continued to sit in the water. I heard other students murmuring and whispering to each other as they all gathered around us. I heard this ringing and and I'm guessing Percy heard it too because we both started to look around, I saw him reach into his pocket and grab the pen Mr, Brunner had given him, so I took mine out too and they were both, vibrating? Pens usually don't vibrate, but then Mrs. Dodds spoke up.
"There you are. We're not fools" I saw her walking towards us.
"Mrs. Dodds, you okay?" I heard Percy ask our teacher as she continued to slowly walk towards us. I shivered a little as she was slowly getting closer and closer. Then as she got closer wings had grown on her back, these scales had grown all over her body. I hit myself in the to make sure I wasn't dreaming, let's just say I wasn't.
"It was only a matter of time before we found you two" she spoke, but weird enough her mouth didn't move, her lips were still in that same old menacing frown. She had completely changed now. "Where is it, half-bloods?" She screeched as she took off into the sky and landed right on top of Percy, tackling him straight to the ground, with her on top of him.
"Percy!" I yelled and ran over to them, the pen in my hand had turned into a sword so I stabbed her right in the back, making her disappear right in front of our eyes, I was off balance as I had one foot placed on her back to make sure I stabbed her fully, so I fell. Right onto Percy, which earned a groan from both of us, but then I blacked out.
"Are they okay?"
"Are they dead?" Is all I heard as my consciousness slowly started coming back to me.
   "Give them some room, please" Mr. Brunner spoke as he slowly wheeled his way up to us, who were still in fact lying in the floor in a heap. The children that were crowding around us backed away, but didn't leave. Grover had helped Percy up first as I still wasn't fully conscious, but then they both pulled me up as well.
    "What the hell..." I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes, trying to get my vision back. "What happened?" I asked as I looked around, I saw Nancy, with a towel wrapped around her, and her mom who was glaring at the two of us.
   "Where's Mrs. Dodds?" Percy asked Mr. Brunner and I looked over at them, wondering the same thing. Then Nancy started whining again, like the little baby she is.
    "Everyone go back to your lunches" Mr. Brunner dismissed everyone, "Percy and Aurora just need a moment, that's all" he said before Percy started to ask questions again.
   "I don't understand. Didn't anyone just see that?" He looked at Grover, then at me, then back at Mr. Brunner again, totally confused. I mean I was confused too, cause like what the fuck was that, but my head hurt too much to talk right now. "Where's Mrs. Dodds?" He asked again looking right at Mr. Brunner.
    "Percy, there's no one here by that name." Mr, Brunner stated after he glanced over at Grover and both mine and Percy's eyes widened in shock, and confusion.
    "What? What do you mean-" I started to ask him, ignoring my pounding headache, but Mr. Brunner just told everyone to finish up their lunches so we could get back to the school.
    Later, me, Percy, and Grover all sat in the headmaster's office as he was probably going to expel us, wont ne the first time, I thought as I wasn't really paying attention to what the man was saying what so ever. I just looked down at my lap and played with the bracelet Percy had given me for my birthday one year. "Mr. Jackson, Ms. Miller, a number of your classmates saw you and Mr. Underwood arguing with Ms. Bobofit." I had tuned him in again as he called my name, "yet you have offered no explanation for how she ended up in that fountain, other than, uh... I didn't touch Nancy." He paused before he read off what both me and Percy had said to him on multiple occasions after the incident. "Now, is there anything else you'd like to say for yourself? Either if you?" He looked at both me and Percy.
    "I- we didn't touch Nancy" I spoke for both me and Percy. The headmaster had let out an annoyed sigh.
    "okay, Mr. Underwood? Do you have anything to add?" The headmaster turned his attention from me and Percy over to Grover.
   "Yes. I do" Grover had stated and the headmaster nodded at him for him to continue on with what his was going to say. "Percy and Aurora, told me earlier in the day that they wanted to get back at Nancy for all she'd done to us, all three of us." He paused both I and Percy were about to say something but Grover just kept going, "and they aren't being truthful about what happened at the fountain."
    "Grover" Percy yelled, confused at what Grover was doing.
    "Excuse me. Are you saying you saw Mr. Jackson and Ms. Miller assault Ms. Bobofit?" The headmaster asked Grover, and Grover looked hesitant to answer but he continued anyway.
   "Yes, I did." Grover had admitted to seeing both men and Percy "assault" Nancy, when we clearly didn't. I let out a scoff and then stood up and stormed out of the room, I had to pack anyways.

   Scene 1 - cut

     "That was brilliant you guys!" One of the filming directors had congratulated us as we finished up filming our first scene. I smiled and thanked him, I turned around to face Walker and gave him a hug.
    "You did so great!" I laughed as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
  "You did good too" he laughed and I let out a fake gasp of surprise.
   "Just good?!" I pushed him playfully and crossed my arms as I poured. "You're so mean to me, maybe even meaner than Nancy." I stated as I continued to pout.
    "I know you didn't not just say that!" He yelled as he tackled me into a hug. We were on the floor wrestling with each other as they were getting the next set for our next scene ready.

Heyy guys!!! I finally updated this story!! This is a much longer chapter than the rest, and guess what you've finally began filming, and you are doing great!! Anyway have fun ~ Yana

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