Chapter 17: A Trip to Disney pt.3

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     We had all fallen asleep in Walker's and Aryan's room. I slowly woke up but I didn't want to leave the warm feeling of the bed, so I cuddled closer to Walker who had his arms wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes as I couldn't sleep anymore, and I looked up at Walker. His hair falling in front of his sleeping face, I lightly moved a strand of his hair out of the way so I could get a full view of his face. I heard him let out a small sigh and his eyes slowly opened, only to be meet with mine. I smiled at him, "good morning" I whispered so I wouldn't wake up Leah and Aryan, if they were still sleeping. I saw a small smile form on his lips and he leaned in and kissed my cheek.
       "Ready for today?" He asked in a hushed voice as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I blushed and nodded, getting more excited as I have never been to Disney.
        "Let's get dressed before the other two wake up." I whispered before sliding out of the covers and walked over to the door, so I could go get changed in my room. "I'll see you in a few minutes." I said before walking out of the room and across the hall to my own room.
       I looked in my suitcase for the perfect outfit, which a found a few seconds later, and walked into the bathroom to change, do my skincare, makeup, and hair.

^ this is what I would wear but you can always change it!!

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^ this is what I would wear but you can always change it!!

     I walked out of the bathroom once I finished everything. I grabbed my deodorant and perfume out of my suitcase and put both on before leaving the room. I made sure I put money, lipgloss, my phone, AirPods, and hair ties in case I would need one, in my purse. I opened the door to Walker's and Aryan's room to see Leah still sleeping but neither Aryan and Walker were in sight. "Walker? Aryan? Are you guys in here?" I asked out loud so if either of them were in the bathroom they would hear me, but I got no response so I walked over to Leah to wake her up so she could start to get ready. "Leah... wake up!" I shook her shoulder and she slightly stirred but eventually after a lot of me shaking her she opened her eyes as she let out a groan of protest. "Come on, I want to go to Disney so hurry your butt up!" I pulled her up so she was sitting on the bed. She shooed me away as she slowly started to move towards our room so she could get ready. "I'll be here for when you are done!" I yelled in her direction before she shut the door behind her.
Eventually we were all ready to leave the hotel and go to Disney. I was beyond excited, not only will we probably see fans there, we get to walk around the park and go on all the rides, it's going to be so much fun!!
     The car arrived at Disney and we all got out, I made sure I didn't forget to grab my purse, and then we all headed towards the entrance of the park.
"Does everyone have everything they need?" I asked as I took a step back onto the curb so I wouldn't get run over, cause that would not be a fun trip for any of us.
"Yup!" Walker replied as he got out of the car and stood next to me, I smiled at him and nodded. Aryan and Leah got out as well and replied with simple yes's, so then we were on our way. We checked in before we were allowed into the park.
"I'm so excited!" I yelled as I looked around, seeing all of the rides, food, and other fun activities for when we are here. "Where do we want to start?" I asked them and Aryan pulls out the map he had taken from the check in.
      "Let's start on the rides, then we'll get some lunch and walk around for a bit before we have to do our meet and greet with the fans?" Aryan suggested as he looked at the map and I nodded.
      "Perfect! Let's go!" I said as I took Walker's hand in mine and started to walk away towards all the rides. We decided to go to Space Mountain first, so we headed that way. We talked about all sorts of things as we walked over there, but I got cut off by someone screaming.
      "Oh my god! It's the cast of Percy Jackson!" The girl had yelled and I looked over along with the others and I smiled and waved. The girl and her group of friends walked over to us and they asked for photos, which we agreed to take with them.
     After taking pictures we said goodbye and then went on all the rides we wanted to before we left to go get food. "I'm starving." I whined as we started to walk to the food courts.
     "Good thing we are going to get food" Walker laughed at me and I shot him a playful glare before I started to chase him. Leah and Aryan just laughed as they continued to walked away towards the food. After a few moments of me and Walker running around we all sat down with our food.
      Sadly, the day was eventually over and you guys got back in the car to go back to the hotel. "Today was so fun!" I smiled as I sat in my seat next to Leah and Walker. They nodded their heads as we were all tired from all the walking we did. As we were on the way back to the hotel I decided to post some of the photos I took throughout the day, I chose the best looking ones just because I wasn't going to post all 40 of the pictures.

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