Chapter 15: A Trip to Disney pt.1

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      Since we had finished filming for the next few episodes, we were given a break. And what did we decide to do? Go to Disney. Anyway I was currently in mine and Walker's hotel room packing for the short trip to Florida, as we will need to come back to film more, of course. I zipped up my suitcase after I placed my last piece of luggage into the carrier. "Walker, are you ready to go?" I asked as I knocked on the bathroom door and I waited for a response.
      "Yeah, give me on second!" I heard him respond from inside the bathroom, I smiled and walked back to my bed and flopped on top of the covers. I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes waiting for Walker to go meet Leah and Aryan in the lobby before we leave. I heard the bathroom door open so I opened my eyes and turned my head towards him. I smiled at him as he walked over to me and took my hand, dragging me off of the bed. He grabbed both of our suitcases before leading me out of the room hand in hand.
       "You know I can take my suitcase, right?" I told him as we reached the elevator. He ignored me and clicked the down button and waited for the elevator to arrive at our floor, which wasn't that long of a wait. He rolled both of our suitcases into the elevator and pulled me in behind him, causing me to run into his back. I let out a squeak before backing up slightly. "Walker~" I called out to him and he turned around to face me. "Why aren't you talking to me?" I pouted as I crossed my arms and waited for a response from him. I waited for a few seconds the spoke up once again. "Fine, is that how we're being? So be it." I stated as the elevator stopped and the doors opened, so I grabbed my suitcase and left the elevator, not caring if he was following or not. I approached Leah and Aryan and I smiled at them.
"Hey Y/n, Walker, took you two long enough." Leah stated as she stood up off the chair as she grabbed hold of her suitcase and we all headed out to the car, and then we were on the way to the airport.
We arrived at the airport, and we had about a hour or so until our flight, so we all decided to go sit at our gate. I needed to go to the bathroom so I left my stuff with the others and left to the bathroom. I didn't notice Walker following after me until he called out my name.
"Y/n" I heard him and I turned around, confused but I didn't show it.
"Yeah? I thought you weren't talking to me, what happened to that?" I asked him as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"I'm sorry, I just... I just was jealous. I saw the posts you posted with Aryan yesterday and I got mad. I knew I shouldn't have, he's my best friend and I know he wouldn't do that to me, and you're my girl-" I cut him off by hugging him.
"It's okay... it's my fault, I shouldn't have posted those. I'm sorry" I apologized as I pulled away from the hug and I looked into his eyes. I saw him smile at me and he kissed my cheek.
"I'll let you go to the bathroom now." He smiled and pecked me on the lips before he headed back to the gate where Leah and Aryan were sitting with all of our stuff. I went to the bathroom and then headed back to the gate. I sat down next to Walker and rested my head on his shoulder as he was on his phone.
I watched as he scrolled through TikTok and I would let out a giggle every time I would see an edit of us together. "that one's cute" I pointed out the edit of us during an interview, where he was caught staring at me. I liked the video and he just blushed before scrolling past the video. We continue to watch TikTok together as we waited to board the plane, but that time came rather quickly.
We got to our seats and I sat near the window and Walker sat in the aisle seat. We talked for a bit before we decided to turn on a movie. I agreed to watch Deadpool, I know bad idea, but thankfully I had fallen asleep during it, so I didn't have to hear Walker silently murmur the words to himself the entire movie.

hey everyone, finally posted another part!! This one is short but the next part aka the second part of this chapter will be longer I promise!! Anyway love you all, thank you for all the votes, reads, and comments. Yana out. XOXO 💋

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