★ Fire!

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Greg stands distorted. He's panting,a streak of blood is dried from his forehead to his nose. Everything seems to slowdown before him as he sees people screaming and runningpin different directions for their lives.

A tired sigh escapes from his heavy upper pink lips.

He regains himself as a shoulder shoves him back to reality.

" Head to the...hills!," Greg coughs.

He uses his travel cape to cover his nose as he limps out of the fire.

Despite the ringing sounds in his ear,his banging head,his bloody forehead and the smell of smoke that fills his nose- he still helps some people struggling on their feet.

With the help of some men, people were safely carried to Greg's and Bella's place that's a bit far from the city.

Faces smudged with smoke,their clothes stained and their terrified faces are all Ella can see as she helps people struggling with breathing.

Greg and some men bring the rest of the people.

“ Help me put the fire out before it spreads!,” Greg says to the men.

Before they could even turn,fire blazes on a tall  palm tree.

Then it spreads to other trees- circling them in fire.

“ Take some sand and put the fire out!,” Greg ordered.

Acting immediately on the command,the men scoop up sand and dumps/throws it at the fire.

Ella rushes out with a big bucket. With a grunt,she scoops the sand with the bucket. Although she wasn't strong enough to carry a big bucket of sand...she did.

With a grunt and folded lips she picks up the bucket with all her strength.

The men notice and help her with the bucket.

They hurl It at the fire that's gradually closing in on them..but it increases the blazing the fire 🔥...

“ I thought sand neutralizes fire!,” Greg shouts.

“ It's supposed to!,” Ben answers.

They back away as the fire blazes up like a pillar.

“ The fire is getting worse!.”

The fire keeps blazing...becoming hotter and wilder!..

Everyone gives up trying to put out the fire...they back away and await their firey fate of death.


Ella runs forward with a small bucket filled with sand. And when she pours the sand out it immediately goes out.

With a sob she scoops up more sand and keeps putting out the fire.

With speed, agility and determination she scoops more sand puts out the fire.

....and that's how she put out the fire...all by herself.

With a sigh of relief as she relaxes her shoulders,she drops the bucket down.

She looks around...all she see's are re-burnt trees and ashes.

“ we are we heading too?,” Bella mouth's to herself.


Greg sits on a stair - his eyes dim,his strength depleted.

“ Here,let me help you,” An indistinct voice is heard.

Bob helps Greg up - his clipboard still with him.

30 Minutes later:

Everyone's feeling a bit strong..yet, broken. They share the little food and water they have left with each other.

Bob walks up to Greg who's helping an old lady sit.

“ I took a census....and it's bad,Greg,” Bob said sadly.

“ What's the report?,” Greg asked.

* Bob sighs - tears well up In his eyes*...“ 20 people are dead,and we have 14 severely injured people,” Bob answers.

Greg holds back his tears as he gulps down.

“ And if those people don't get treatment...they could end up dying,Greg,” Bob said.

“...and what do you expect me to do,Bob?...all hope is lost!.


Hi, 👋...
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Thank you,God bless and love's y'all 💞...

Q: Does Sand neutralize/quench fire?🤔


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