Chapter 19

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Kogami heard rumbles of the breaking news despite not having access to any type of outside media coverage. When something as major as a top-ranked Inspector of the MWPSB unexpectedly turning into a national terrorist at her own promotion ceremony occurs, how could anyone avoid it? He’d known from her letter that she was aiming to do something to shake up the System and ensure the framework of justice would be preserved after the blunder that was their previous mission, but he had never even considered her resorting to something like murder.
He didn’t have time to recover from the nauseating shock that threatened to bring him to his knees when he was abruptly brought discharge papers and pulled from the cell he thought he’d call home for much longer. As he was being processed for release, a press recording began on the warden's screen in front of him, announcing that the suspected murderer had been contained and was being relocated to the very rehabilitation facility where he sat right at that moment.
Changing back into the jeans and black button down that was his daily uniform prior to being incarcerated once his discharge was finalized, he stepped through the doors of the facility, the sunlight brighter than he was accustomed to after the last couple weeks. He began walking toward the sidewalk, vowing to himself that he would get Akane out of her wrongful confinement, when a dark, government-issue sedan pulled up beside him.
“Well, that was quicker than I anticipated,” Hanashiro spoke after the driver's window rolled down. “Get in.”
Settling into the seat after closing the door behind him, Kogami turned to address his superior.
“Didn't expect to see a familiar face today,” he groused, despite being thankful that he was no longer relegated to a meager one hundred square feet. “How exactly were you able to convince Sibyl to release me from confinement so quickly?”
“I’m not sure, to be honest,” she replied guardedly, her eyes briefly meeting his with something akin to guilt lying within them. “I do know it wasn’t something… we did.”
“If it wasn't you, then who?” he questioned as his gaze narrowed in suspicion. Her gaze hardened a bit at his inquiry, making it obvious that she wished he hadn't asked.
“I think you already know the answer to that, Kogami.” She surprised him by fidgeting uneasily in her seat and averting her gaze to something outside the windshield. “You're not the only one who got a letter from her.”
He was struck suddenly by the veracity of his superior's solemn statement, his eyes widening in disbelief at her insinuation. There was no mistaking who Hanashiro was talking about - it's not like handwritten letters were commonplace nowadays, especially not addressed to criminals. If he'd been standing, he might have found it hard to stay on his feet at that moment. Torn between anger and devastation at this new, harrowing realization, Kogami's fist slammed down on the car’s dashboard.
“Goddamnit! That stubborn woman,” he yelled in exasperation, Hanashiro's gaze purposely staying on the road in front of them. “What did she do?”
“No one's really sure, Kogami,” the blonde answered disconcertedly. “Trust me, we've been working nonstop over the last few days to try and figure out exactly that.”
“And let me guess, nothing but dead ends and Sibyl standing in the way,” he growled out contentiously.
Careful, you just got released,” Hanashiro admonished gently, recognizing the look of rebellion in his eyes a little too easily. “Can't have whatever sacrifice she made be in vain, now can you?”
He glowered at such a low blow coming from the woman, while also knowing full well that she was right as she tried to remind him what was at stake with her cautionary words.
Turn around,” he ordered hastily, already aware that whatever he could have to say was too little, too late in this situation. “Take me back to Tokorozawa.”
“That's not a good idea, Kogami,” she discouraged sternly without moving to change the car's direction. He started to argue, but she raised a hand to stop him. “I'm not telling you what to do, but she was just processed into the facility earlier this morning. Maybe it'd be a good idea to let her get her bearings first before you go in swinging.”
“I can't just sit back and do nothing here, Hanashiro. Not with her,” he insisted stubbornly, his jaw clenching in barely concealed fury.
“We won't be doing nothing. She left very clear suggestions of how we should proceed from here,” the agent told him, causing his brow to knit inquisitively. “Before her… arrest, she had Sibyl authorize an emergency reassignment for a few of her personnel. Two of which are joining our team at SAD,” she conveyed vaguely as the car merged onto the expressway. “They should be waiting for us once we get back to headquarters and then we can fill you in on everything she had to share with us about the Sibyl System.”

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