Chapter 4

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Kogami was waiting in the corridor across from the conference room when Akane came out, saying something to Ginoza and Kunizuka who were trailing after her intently.

The Enforcers paused when they saw him across the hall, causing a falter in Akane's stride as she glanced in his direction. He slowly pushed off the wall he was leaning against and approached them halfway.

"Inspector," he addressed her with a soft smirk as he came to a stop in front of her. "You're looking well."

She held up a dismissive hand when it seemed Ginoza was going to step in, stopping the Enforcer from speaking on her behalf.

"Mister Kogami... What are you doing here? And working with Foreign Affairs?" She questioned, clearly baffled by not only his unexpected presence but also his new employer.

"Perhaps your watch dogs could give us a few minutes to discuss this in private?" He suggested, knowing the fact he answered a question with another question would only bait her into their conversation more.

"I don't believe we have much to discuss," she contended, her lips tightly pressed into a distrusting scowl. "Besides, anything you have to say to me can be said in front of my colleagues."

He was reminded of just how stubborn she was and his smirk grew at the confident resolve in her tone as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"There are some things we need to say to each other, that I should say to you, that might be better without an audience," he disagreed lightly. She seemed to tense as he did so, her frown deepening, Ginoza's watchful gaze snapping to her minute reaction.

"Smoking is no longer legal indoors in Tokyo, Kogami," his former friend voiced sternly before he'd had a chance to light it. Ko didn't think it was his imagination that he saw Akane's shoulders relax back down with a deep exhale as he slid the pack back into his pocket.

"Seems a lot has changed since I left," he responded, taking a second to eye her and Ginoza, wondering what he was missing from their silent interactions. Akane sighed heavily, turning to look at the Enforcers at her side.

"Maybe you guys could give us a minute or two...?" she suggested hesitantly. "I can meet you down in the lobby shortly to leave for our next meeting."

Both latent criminals looked back at her, Kunizuka unsure and Ginoza getting more perturbed by the second.

"Only if you're sure that's what you want, Inspector," Kunizuka replied.

"You don't have to hear him out," Ginoza objected. "Whatever he feels he has to say doesn't need to concern you, Akane. He's the one who ran remember?"

"I don't need a reminder, Mister Ginoza." Her harsh rebuke made Ginoza's jaw clench shut and his hands tighten into fists.

'What exactly is going on between them?' Kogami questioned himself, finding a surprising feeling of jealousy rising in his chest as he glowered at his former friend.

"You heard the lady, Gino. So how about don't you give us a minute?" he all but insisted, much to the obvious dismay of the other man. Ginoza huffed loudly as he turned to stalk down the long corridor toward the elevators, not waiting to make sure Kunizuka followed.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. We'll be expecting you soon," the other Enforcer told Akane with a reassuring pat on the shoulder before leaving the way Ginoza had. She wasn't even out of earshot and Akane was already training an intense, analyzing stare back at him.

"What was that about? Ginoza's overprotectiveness of you?" he questioned, his insinuation fairly clear.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Officer. But yes, you were right - a lot has changed," she affirmed as she side-stepped his question, crossing her arms defiantly over the folder against her chest. "Four years is a long time, Mister Kogami. What else could you expect when you left us all so abruptly?"

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