Chapter 10

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To his relief, their evening took a turn after that, with a pensive but amiable silence only lasting until their mutual entrees were brought out then smoothed over by Akane’s easy-going small talk. Kogami still couldn’t shake the fact that she was constantly proving herself to be an undeniable asset in his life - nor, as he was finding, did he have the desire to. The conversation that was exchanged as they consumed their meal was anything but boring and it seemed she really was okay with his unexpected presence back in her life. Over an hour had passed since they first sat down; the plates of mostly eaten food and half dozen empty glasses scattered around the table proof that neither were in a hurry to leave.
“Oh, I don't think I could eat another bite,” she lamented, seemingly begrudgingly, as she eyed the leftovers between them. Kogami smiled softly at her struggle, wondering how exactly a person her size could have eaten nearly as much as he had.
“I’m sure they have carryout containers if you want to take the rest with you for later,” he proffered, his amusement unnoticed by the petite brunette across from him.  Her face scrunched in indecision, momentarily pondering his suggestion before she exhaled in defeat.
“I shouldn't; we have to stay ready for the mission,” she replied with a dejected pout. “I need to use the ladies room before we head out. Do you mind?”
She quickly excused herself at his concurrence and he caught himself watching her walk away.
Damn, must be drunker than I thought, he admonished himself with a shake of his head. The attendant brought their check over as he quickly finished off a bottle of water; Kogami quickly taking care of it with a wave of his wristcom over the payment terminal.
“You did not just pay,” he heard Akane's voice reprimand sternly as she sat back down. “I was the one that invited you tonight, not the other way around."
He smirked endearingly at the obvious displeasure on her face before answering.
“Sorry, Inspector, maybe next time,” he abated with a quick wink, the earlier liquor causing his words to slur together a bit. Her eyes widened in reaction, a soft pink tinging her cheeks and decolletage, which she tried to cover with a scoff of indignation as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"We should go," she admonished with a playfully dismissive eye roll. "I think we've both had enough to drink for one night."
"Ever the responsible one - seems not everything has changed," he bantered while standing and gesturing toward the exit. "It’s late, let me walk you back to headquarters."
"You don't have to do that," she protested with a shake of her head as they walked out. "To be honest, I'm probably not sleeping much tonight anyways, so might as well plan to spend the night there instead of going all the way home."
The cold January wind greeted them as the heavy glass door opened to the street, causing Akane to pull the lapel of her coat up, attempting to block some of the wind as a shiver ran over her frame.
"Here," Kogami said, coming to a sudden stop beside her and pulling his long scarf off his shoulders. "Take this."
"I couldn't," she started to object as he folded the dark fabric once and secured it around her exposed neck, the look on his face enough to stop her words of protest in their tracks. "Thank you," she told him with a demure smile. "I must have forgotten mine at the office again."
"Don't mention it," he reassured her with a dismissive wave. "I'm warm enough from all the alcohol and you look like you need it."
They started the walk back to the PSB building in a companionable silence. He couldn't be sure about her, but he was definitely still feeling the effects of their imbibery.
“Sorry to ask this, but you had just as much to drink as I did tonight," he commented after nearly stumbling over a raised part of the sidewalk, her small arm weaving around his as she pulled him closer for stability. “How are you not more intoxicated?”
“You know, I'm not sure,” she offered with a light chuckle. “For some reason alcohol has never really affected me. Must have a good tolerance or something.”
“A blessing and a curse, I'd wager,” he sympathized as he glanced over at her.
“It definitely doesn't come in handy when you're trying to drown your sorrows, that's for sure.” Pain momentarily flashed in her eyes at the muttered response, so quickly that he never would have known otherwise if he hadn't been looking; her shrug of indifference as she averted her gaze not convincing enough to negate the true feelings that hid there.
“You don’t have to do that,” he remarked staidly.
“Do what?” she queried with forced nescience, her face turning toward him with a placating smile but obviously avoiding eye contact.
“Akane…” Her name came out on a precative sigh as he pulled her to a stop, his response causing her gaze to snap up to his. She searched his eyes for a few moments, the intensity behind her caramel colored irises almost enough for him to rethink her supposed sobriety. If he hadn’t been paying attention, he would have missed her quickly glancing down to his lips and the subtle gulp of her throat as she looked away again with another noticeable shiver.
“You’re still cold,” he observed, surprising both of them when his hands coasted down the outsides of her arms caringly. “Listen…" he started before he really realized what he was saying; the warning bells in his head drowned out by her proximity to him. "My hotel is just around the corner. Why don’t we head there? You can have some tea, warm up a bit, and then call for a transport drone to come get you instead of making the walk.”
"That's really not necessary, Koga-" she started to argue.
"There's no reason for you to freeze to death. Stop acting so stubborn," he goaded her with a playful smirk.
She scrutinized him for a moment as she considered his words, worrying her bottom lip as another gust of wind blew around them, causing her to shutter again.
"Fine," she relented with an exasperated sigh. "But just until the car arrives, then I should go."
"Of course, Inspector. That's understood," he acquiesced, a knowing look on both of their faces as they turned to head in the opposite direction of the government district.

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