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~Anjali's POV

The last few days have been so busy that until this moment - A Saturday night never felt more peaceful. I know that the profession I chose for myself would drain me by the time I make it to the end of the week but that's the part that excites me the most. That part of me which navigates every single time I go through the "Do nothing at all day of the week" because let me not be a hypocrite and tell you ......
Sunday mornings are the ultimate test of willpower: Do I get out of bed or not? Spoiler alert: I don't.

Just as I'm about to hit the bed I decide to check my messages in case I might have missed something important. I'm immediately in the "MONDAY MODE" cuz I won't be getting my nothing to do yet I have a lot to do Sunday this week .I completely forgot about the School reunion. Oh lord how I wish I could do literally anything in the world right now but attend this reunion: To be specific - see Priya's face. All her pretty little face (sarcastic duhh) can do is remind me of how she was a total badass bitch and how everyone hated her throughout school. Well the last time a mere thought of her occupied my mind was about about four months ago, the night I met Rahul.

I bring myself back to my current situation brushing his thoughts away from my mind and force myself out of my cozy duvet, thick and warm, which cocooned my body in a comforting embrace, warding off the chill of the night air and lulling the tired soul inside of me into a state of blissful relaxation. I reach upto my closet and rummage through all the clothes I own but to add to my distress I find my closet in a void of the only dress I would want to wear to a school reunion to show my current life status.

Let's be honest... There's some horrible connotations in the word 'reunion.'The only agenda of a stupid school reunion would only be to find out how well the other person in your very own batch made into their lives.I can't put this delicately – everyone goes to their high school reunion wanting to see who they 'beat.'The most ironic part about school reunions is that they never tend to get lost cuz they always end up catching up on your past. Who needs a time machine when you have a high school reunion to transport you back in time.

It takes a certain amount of guts to go to your class reunions. Most people enjoy their high school years because that's apparently the only place where you experience what it feels like to be a part of this life long exam filled with drama which is called "Life". Most teens "live" this period and most of them come back and grow out of it without any regrets and resentful memories which can affect them well into their twenties.

I must admit, the idea of attending a school reunion fills me with a sense of dread. The thought of reconnecting with old classmates and comparing our lives since graduation just doesn't appeal to me. It feels like a competition to see who has achieved the most success, who has the perfect job, the ideal family, and the enviable lifestyle.

High school reunions seem to be centered around this idea of one-upmanship, of showing off how well you have done compared to your peers. It's as if we are all still trying to prove something to each other, even after all these years. But for me, high school was a time of growth and self-discovery, not a competition to see who could come out on top.

I remember the friendships I made, the lessons I learned, and the experiences that shaped me into the person I am today. High school was a time of transitions and challenges, but also of camaraderie and laughter. It was also a period of life where I lost someone and something very significant to me. It was also a period of life where I lost someone and something very significant to me.

So when I think about attending my school reunion, I can't help but feel a sense of reluctance. I don't want to be drawn back into that world of comparison and competition. I would much rather focus on the present and the future, rather than dwell on the past and the futile attempts to prove myself to other and pretend not to live in a period of life that I cherish for the memories and the bonds formed, not for the need to outshine others in some imaginary contest.

With these thoughts in my mind I didnt even realise when I fell asleep.

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