CHAPTER 12: Fire's flames: Warmth or destruction?

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As the night unfolded and the warmth of the bonfire embraced us, Mia proposed a new game to spice up the evening – a game of truth. However, Scarlett, with her creative flair as an artist, added her unique twist to make it even more intriguing.

The rules were simple yet intriguing—participants had to ask a question in someone's ear, keeping it a secret from the rest. The catch? The person being questioned had to respond aloud. If anyone was curious about the question, they could satisfy their curiosity by taking two shots. The game promised to reveal secrets, spark laughter, and perhaps even deepen the connections among the group.

The group unanimously decided to name the game "Whisper Shots." It added a touch of mystery and excitement to the night. As the bonfire flickered and the night grew darker, the anticipation for this new game heightened.

*Caleb was staring at Scarlett*

Ethan, consumed by jealousy, couldn't contain his frustration and crushed the empty can of coke in his hand.
Everyone started staring at Ethan and Ethan's attention was all consumed by Caleb. He was so jealous of this act that he didn't mind throwing the crashed can onto his face right then and there.

With a honk, the game commenced, leaving no room for further delays.

First Round: "Heart's Confession"

The inaugural question, posed by Mia to Lucas, set the tone for the evening:

Mia: {Whom do you love the most} (IN EAR)

Lucas responded unquestionably, uttering Mia's name. The simplicity of the question hinted at the deeper connections the night might unravel. Surprisingly, no shots were taken in this round, as the predictability of the question allowed everyone a moment of heartfelt clarity.

Second Round: "A Blushful Admission"

Lucas, with a playful glint in his eye, directed his question to Scarlett during the game.

Lucas: {Whom do you think is hot tonight?}

Scarlett caught off guard, took a moment to ponder. The flickering bonfire light highlighted the blush spreading across her cheeks. Feeling the weight of Caleb's gaze, she decided to take a subtle route.

Scarlett (with a shy smile): Um, I think... (glancing at Lucas) Lucas.

Caleb's curiosity got the better of him. He couldn't resist the urge to unravel the mystery behind Scarlett's blush-inducing answer. With a raised eyebrow and a quizzical expression, he silently questioned Scarlett about the undisclosed question.

Meanwhile, Mia, driven by her curiosity, seized the opportunity. Without a second thought, she downed two shots and made her way to Lucas to listen to the mysterious question. The bonfire's glow played on her face as she approached the duo.

Mia approached Scarlett, her face a mix of shock and delight, playfully hitting her in a moment of revelry.

Seriously? What was that? You were supposed to say his name!" Mia whispered to Scarlett, her voice filled with a mix of amusement.

Mia, I panicked!" Scarlett confessed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I couldn't possibly say Ethan's name, and Caleb's... well, it just felt too... you know. But don't worry, I'll think of something better next time, promise.

I guess you have a point," Mia conceded, her expression softening into understanding. Anyway, it's all in good fun. Let's see what happens next."

The next round was a bit tipsy.

It was Caleb's turn to ask the question for Round 3.

Round 3: "Mystery"

Caleb chose Ethan for this part.

Caleb: {"Keep your dick into your ass and stay away from Scarlett this time! Anyway... who is your current girlfriend?"}

Ethan, brimming with anger, responded curtly: "No one!"

We all watched with puzzled expressions as Ethan's response seemed to be short compared to the question. Lucas, being Ethan's best friend, was particularly curious about the question. He eagerly downed two shots and made his way over to Caleb.

Scarlett, sensing tension, attempted to grab the shots to understand the situation better, but Caleb intervened, preventing her from doing so.

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