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The night is so peaceful. I can hear the voices of crickets and cicadas, but the only voice I'm craving is the one coming from the person sitting next to me. I'm not sure what's wrong with him, but thanks to drinking, I have a pounding headache and feel hungover. I wish this night would never end. I just want to sleep. And before I know it, I've dozed off on his shoulder. It's more comfortable than my bed, even though it's giving me a backache. Amid deep sleep, I start mumbling something. I whispered, "Why did you leave me, Ethan?" But honestly, I don't care anymore. I've met someone new.

I was half asleep when I noticed Caleb lifting me. A ray of light illuminated his face, and he smiled warmly when he saw me. He was gentle, with a sharp jawline that stood out. I nestled into his arms, finding a more comfortable position. The next time I woke up, he was in the process of changing my clothes. I'm a light sleeper and easily awakened, so I observed how swiftly and quietly he worked to tidy up the area around me, hoping I wouldn't stir. That's when I felt a sweet and affectionate kiss on my forehead, followed by one on my cheek. I can't recall if it led to anything more.

I awoke in the early morning with no recollection of the previous night and a pounding headache. As I stirred, my hand brushed against something unfamiliar – something I definitely shouldn't have been touching. It felt solid yet soft, and in my groggy state, I absentmindedly stretched and squeezed it until I suddenly realized it belonged to him. He was asleep. I wasn't sure if he felt it, but the desire was strong, drawing me closer. As I opened my eyes, I realized that the surroundings were completely unfamiliar, unlike the usual untidy room I'd wake up in. Typically, I'd find motivation in cleaning up the mess, only to somehow make it even messier. But this time, it was a setting I didn't recognize at all. Until I slowly became aware that there was someone else sleeping beside me, a face I vaguely recognized. I couldn't immediately place where I'd seen him before. Then, it hit me—it was that guy who plays the guitar, his name... Ca... Ca... Caleb, right! I remembered meeting him last night when I was completely intoxicated. I must admit, his room is surprisingly tidy and well-kept.

I saw him peacefully sleeping beside me, with fair skin and long eyelashes. He looked so cute. I blushed as I touched his part, and gazed at his face until I realized what I was wearing. It was a long white shirt. The events of the previous night remained a mystery, but it was clear that the attire I had on was not what I had expected. As I pondered all of this, Caleb opened his beautiful eyes. His brown eyes called for a kiss, and I couldn't resist. I asked him what had happened the night before, and why the FUCK I was wearing his clothes?

I pushed his shoulder back, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, causing me to fall onto him. He ended up beneath me with his dick into my thing, and we stared at each other for what felt like another minute. Then, he pointed out that I had vomited and ruined my dress. I asked him if he had seen anything? to which he chuckled and replied "I'm sorry, Scarlett. I didn't mean to intrude, but I couldn't just leave you in that mess. I feel guilty about it, but I promise the room was dark, and I didn't see anything." He playfully threw me aside and got on top of me, reversing our positions. I was quite irritated, and he firmly held my hands down on the bed.

He inquired if my earlier touch had been acceptable to me. I gave him a coy smile, blushed, and concealed my emotions, turning my head to face a mirror near the bed, and closing my eyes. It was an embarrassing situation, and I found it difficult to confront him. He gently grabbed my chin and turned it back towards him, saying, "Open your eyes."

I was taken aback by the unexpected moment. My cheeks flushed red with annoyance as I opened my eyes. Reacting to his audacity, when he pushed me towards him, I exclaimed, 'How dare you do that? And what was that surprise move?

He reached out, wrapping his arms around my waist, and drew me close, confessing, "I was half asleep, but I didn't want things to get awkward between us."

Uncomfortable with his response, I pushed him away and began to get ready. Lacking suitable clothing, I borrowed a hoodie and jeans from his closet, promising to return them the next day. Before leaving, he asked how he could contact me. Sneaking out, I turned back and suggested he find me on Instagram, using my surname, Kensington. Thank you, mister," I retorted. In response, he asked, "Why did you say thank you for?"," with a playful expression on his face.

The next moment, there was a call from his mother asking who he was talking to, mentioning that it was getting late, and he should wake up. We heard a knock on the door, leaving him visibly tense, unsure of what to do next. I observed his playful attempt to mess up his room a little bit. Using the bathroom door connected to the other room, I sneaked out. Though I couldn't respond to his message at that moment, I could certainly answer him via DM.

His playful attitude made me burst into laughter, appreciating the light-heartedness of the moment. All I could discern from his reaction was a smile as he fondly smelled the blanket I had slept under all night.

On the way back home, I couldn't help but wonder about the moments we had shared. I found myself lost in thoughts, likely blushing, smiling, or perhaps even falling in love. It felt like the beginning of a new chapter in my life, a journey moving forward. I suddenly remembered that I needed to hurry back home as I had work to do!

I'm not entirely sure what transpired last night, but for some reason, I find myself trusting him more than Ethan, of course. There's a part of me that's worried he might be similar to Ethan in some way, but I hope it's just my imagination playing tricks on me because, in reality, they have entirely different personalities.

With a million thoughts swirling in my head, I still feel embarrassed about that situation of touching his dick. I turned red, buried my face in my pillow, and let out a scream. I can't stop thinking about what happened, and it's so embarrassing. I should say it was quite large, maybe in the morning it gets even bigger, or it was because of my touch, but it felt soft like it was calling for a vagina. I just wish it could be erased. I hope he's not dwelling on it and has forgotten all about it.

A Second Chord of Love {Part2}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant