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It's been a day since I arrived from the US, and I haven't seen my best friend Scarlett in a long time. Should I surprise her, or should I call her directly? I'm not in the mood for surprises; I'm really tired, so I'll go with the second option. I searched for my BAE and called her to meet me at the nearest bar. I could hear her excitement when she heard that I was back. I'm pretty sure she got so excited that she either hit the corner of the bed or a door. My silly girl! She didn't even hang up the call!

After a few minutes, she arrived wearing a pumpkin-themed pajama and a snug-fit T-shirt. What on earth was she wearing?! Oh man, what to do with this silly girl! Never mind, I'm feeling drowsy. Here at the bar, everyone seems hungover and sleepy, but I'm feeling tired even without drinking. I need my comfortable bed to sleep. Apologies, my dear, but I have to leave early; I'm really in need of rest! I spent a week in a hotel room because I didn't want to go back home.

Finally, after a week when I returned to the bar at night, I found my brother singing a breakup song. What happened to him? He's not my biological brother, but he's always been supportive. I decided to sneak up on him and give him a little scare. He was so happy to see me that he hugged me immediately. I smiled, choked back some laughter, and greeted him.

So, what's the reason for this sadness? He explained everything, and I offered to help him after he finished. I asked for the name of the girl. "Scarlett," he said. I was like... okay, Scarlett is a common name, and more people could have it. I'm pretty sure her last name is different. "Can I have the last name?" I asked. "Keningston," he replied. Now, I was a bit confused. Is she the same girl I'm in touch with? I questioned him about when he met her and at what time, and after that, I was sure it was her. First of all, it's Kensington, not Keningston, my dear brother. And second, she's my best friend. My brother has a crush on my best friend, and with all these things going on, I didn't receive a call from her or even a text. She's moving on, it seems. I said that in a sarcastic tone. Okay, it's definitely her now; it's the same Instagram ID. I can't believe it. I'm confused. What on earth is going on? Does she know he's my brother? Why am I not getting any texts about this juicy gossip? I need to meet her right now!

When I called her, I remained silent. She answered the phone brimming with excitement, immediately expressing her desire to meet. I chuckled, relieved that she wasn't upset about me leaving her at the bar. Her joy upon receiving the call seemed to indicate that she had something to discuss, perhaps related to what I needed to talk to her about.

We agreed to meet at a nearby cafe that had a wonderful ambiance, was budget-friendly, and was conveniently situated for both of us. The Rise and Grind Cafe was our chosen spot, perfect for our tea exchange.

At the café

As usual, I arrived early, and she was running late! I ordered her favorite latte, ready to discuss what had happened. He was my brother, so naturally, he wouldn't divulge all the details, but I knew the outline and was interested in the main parts. Okay, she's 15 minutes late, but I can't wait to catch up on all the gossip. When she arrived, she hugged me from behind, and I recognized it was her, so I smiled and returned the hug. She was so excited that she started talking the minute she saw me.

Scarlett: "Bro!! My life changed in this one week!"

Mia: "I'm ready with the coffee! Let's start... Tell me from the beginning. I'm very excited. And I need to tell you something."

Scarlett: "Okay, me first! So I met a guy the day you left me alone at the bar."

[Conversation continues...]

Scarlett: "And we talked just half an hour ago when you called me!"

Mia: "So first, I want to tell you something about this guy!"

Scarlett: "You know him? How?!"

Mia: "He is my stepbrother! I met him about 3 hours ago after 5 years. And he was searching for a lady on Instagram but was mispronouncing the surname, so I helped him and found out it was none other than you!"

Scarlett: "Okay, what the heck?! He is your brother? I have a crush on your brother? Should I die? Are you okay with that? I am sorry, I didn't know it was your...."

Mia: "(Interrupting) Cool down, cool down! I know it's shocking, but it's true, and he knows that you are my best friend! He was equally surprised, and by the way, he is the same guy we used to make fun of in 6th grade. So, you better apologize for all those things."

Scarlett: "I am not able to process this right now! He is your stepbrother, and I don't know anything about him!"

Mia: "Yes, he was abandoned on a rainy night in the same park where you guys met his parents. I never told you about this because my parents told me not to talk about that night again."

Scarlett: "Oh, that's why he seemed so sad and teary-eyed! By the way, do you know anything about his parents?"

Mia: "I guess my parents might know, so let's leave that for now. Tell me, what was the last message he sent you?"

Scarlett: "I completely forgot to respond to that message. You called me right after he messaged. Let me read what he said... Okay, so he asked if there's anything awkward between us?"

Mia: "That sounds exactly like my brother. He's direct and doesn't beat around the bush."

Scarlett: "How should I reply?! Can I tell him that you explained everything?"

Mia: "Yeah, I think he'll eventually find out one way or another."

Scarlett (texting him): "No, there's nothing awkward between us! I talked to Mia about it an hour ago, and she filled me in. Don't worry, she's okay with this! So, I guess we can be friends."

Mia: "That's my girl! Can we please order something now? I'm starving!

Scarlett: "Yes, please! I'm craving something right now."

We ordered a variety of delicacies, and I warned her not to say anything cringy about them in front of me!

Lately, I've been thinking about Lucas! We last talked when I was leaving for the US. I asked Scarlett if she was in contact with him. Unfortunately, she isn't, but I'm pretty good at finding people online, so I'm sure I can track him down.

Scarlett drank a little too much juice and excused herself to the washroom. Seizing the moment, I decided to search for someone – Lucas, Lucas! Where are you? It was easy for me to find his ID as we have mutual followers. As I scrolled through his Instagram, I stumbled upon a recent post featuring a girl! Had he moved on? A comment suggesting that he should stay away from her sparked some concern, but his response reassured me it was merely a photo.

My curiosity about the girl persisted, and I checked if she was tagged in the photo or not. I was right she was tagged and I discovered she was a former classmate named Chloe. She seemed to be in a relationship. However, as I delved deeper into Chloe's profile, I stumbled upon a post celebrating her 6th anniversary with Ethan. It suddenly hit me that Ethan was the reason behind Scarlett's breakup six years ago.

As Scarlett returned, she caught me with a surprised expression. When I shared the discovery about Ethan cheating on her with Chloe, tears began to fall. Overwhelmed by emotions, I settled the bill and accompanied her home. She was visibly distressed, crying uncontrollably.

Amid Scarlett's emotional distress, I stayed by her side, providing comfort and reassurance. 'You deserve far better,' I murmured, trying to console her. 'This doesn't define your worth.'

After some time, her tears subsided. We sat in silence, but the weight of her heartbreak lingered in the air. I attempted to divert her thoughts by bringing up Caleb. 'You found Caleb! He's far better than him and has been waiting for you,' I teased, hoping to elicit a smile. Eventually, I managed to coax a bittersweet, teary smile from her when she wiped her nose on my shoulder. At least I succeeded in bringing a moment of happiness to her, even if it meant she would have to wash this shirt afterward!

A Second Chord of Love {Part2}Where stories live. Discover now