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I had moved on from Ethan, but his memory still lingered in the back of my mind. It had been five tough years since he left. It's not that I want to see him again, but I still carry thoughts of him. The person who promised to stay forever left me without providing a proper explanation. I am now twenty-four and working as an architect, trying to find happiness in life. My best friend, Mia Sullivan, had just returned from the United States after her studies. She was the one person who hadn't left me.

One evening, Mia called me, and without a second thought, I left my phone and rushed to meet her. I didn't even think about what I was wearing, I just grabbed my wallet and car keys. I was wearing pajamas and a snug-fitting t-shirt that unintentionally exposed my cleavage. At 8, I met Mia at a local bar, and we reconnected after four long years.

Mia had transformed; she seeped newfound confidence and charm. I greeted her with a tight hug, and she commented on my outfit in a slightly sarcastic tone. We talked for an hour, commiserating over our lives and catching up. It's not as though we hadn't called each other every night, sharing everything that happened each day, but there were still so many unspoken words between us. 'Hey, pretty girl,' I greeted her. Mia promptly ordered a round of shots, looking forward to exchanging stories. Mia's question stung a bit, "So, did you find a new boyfriend?" She knew that moving on wasn't easy for me but of course, she seemed to handle it effortlessly, like a seasoned player.

I chuckled mockingly, downing my shot in one go and ordering another. We talked for an hour, venting about life. We even stalked our old classmates on social media and found that they were all content in one way or another. Meanwhile, here we are, one of us still struggling to move on while the other has left a trail of broken hearts, at least twenty and counting.

"Bro, she's got a boyfriend, and she's looking stunning," we whispered while spying on a former classmate who was a nerd back then. Mia sighed wearily, acknowledging the reality. One of the intoxicated guys in the bar had been continuously watching us from behind. We had noticed his lingering gaze but chose to ignore it until he approached and offered us a drink. Initially, we politely declined, but things took a more aggressive turn when he grabbed my hand, attempting to lead me onto the dance floor. At that moment, Mia, my ever-reliable friend, swiftly delivered a punch to his face, and I followed up with a kick to his ass. The security guard promptly intervened, escorting him out of the bar. We attracted quite a bit of attention, but we stood together, unshaken, knowing that no one could

Mia, with an early morning meeting, decided to leave. I was left wondering what to do next. My favorite song started playing, and I couldn't resist dancing for another two hours. By the time I left the bar, it was 1 a.m. I was sleepy and a bit tipsy as I stumbled on my way home. I lay on the ground, tears in my eyes, gazing at the stars above. I hope they don't fall on me. I'm still young and haven't even completed my to-do list due yesterday. But after giving it some more thought, I felt relieved realizing they were quite far away. If they do fall, I'll just have to make a quick wish. I worried briefly about my safety but consoled myself by remembering some karate moves I had learned.

Just as I was drifting off to sleep on the walkway, I heard the enchanting notes of a guitar from a nearby garden. Curiosity got the better of me, and I peeped through the bushes. What I saw was captivating - a young man with messy, chestnut-brown hair and deep brown eyes, dressed in a baggy hoodie that added an element of casual comfort to his appearance. Despite the relaxed attire, his figure was lean and athletic, a testament to his vibrant energy. The streetlight cast a spotlight upon him as he played his guitar, and he seemed entirely engrossed in his music. He possessed a strikingly chased jawline, teeth that seemed similar to vampire fangs, and his hands, veiny and prominently featured, contrasted beautifully with his fair complexion. His fingers glided across the strings as he played the guitar with an almost unearthly grace. There was an undeniable magnetism to his presence. He is sooo hoottt!!

Seated with my back against a tree, I couldn't help but be drawn to the melody. When the music concluded, and I finally awoke from my slumber, the guitarist was seated on a bench, head bowed. Gathering my courage, I decided to approach him. My nervousness was palpable as I stood beside him.

"Nice suit," he murmured, keeping his gaze low.

"Thank you," I replied with a tentative smile. "I'm Scarlett, and you are?"

He remained silent for a moment, absorbed in his thoughts. There was no response from him. I sat beside him in silence. Was it because of a girl? Breakups can be so painful. Life can feel pretty tough sometimes. I attempted to coax some words out of his mouth, but my efforts were in vain. It seemed like he needed some alone time. So, I chose to say nothing for a few minutes, allowing him space to process his thoughts and emotions. Eventually, he whispered, "Caleb."

I was taken aback by his voice - it was raw as if he were on the verge of tears. He seemed down, and I was so captivated by the sound of his voice that I couldn't make out his words. I asked, "Huh?! Did you say something?" He replied, "Caleb Harrison is my name."

A solitary tear trickled down his cheek, and before I knew it, Caleb was leaning on my shoulder, letting out the emotions he had bottled up.

Once his tears subsided, I asked, "Are you single?" My abrupt question stunned me, as I had intended to offer a listening ear rather than inquire about his relationship status. I couldn't believe my impulsiveness. I could have asked more meaningful questions like "What's bothering you?" or "Are you okay?" But the question I asked was quite silly and embarrassing.

Caleb's response was a simple, "No," as he wiped away his tears. My heart sank deeply with a slight smile on my face and a whole zoo in my stomach..., but I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of relief that he had shared something about himself.

"Do you often play the guitar?" I inquired, eager to shift the focus to a more comfortable topic.

Caleb nodded. "Yes, I'm a guitarist."

Under the starry sky, as the stars twinkled above, our interaction felt like the start of something new. I sensed that I might have finally moved on from Ethan...

A Second Chord of Love {Part2}Where stories live. Discover now