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"Oh, man! I'm overjoyed that Caleb turned out to be the right guy, and the fact that I already know him just adds to the excitement. So, he's a few years older than me, but honestly, that doesn't bother me at all. After returning from the washroom, I noticed Mia's shocked expression as she stared at the phone. Lightly teasing, I asked if she thought I was learning to make a bomb or something. Little did I expect the bombshell news that followed.

Tears welled up unexpectedly. It's been years since our thing, and I thought I'd moved on, but a sudden panic attack hit me like a tidal wave. Why do I still care for him? He was a terrible guy who didn't deserve me. Yet, in these moments of turmoil, it's always Mia who stays by my side, offering comfort and trying to console me. Somehow, she always manages to bring a smile to my face. I stopped crying.

A notification caught my eye, and without looking, I knew it was him. Wiping away my tears, I opened the chat. I read my last message and was surprised to see his response. He asked if we could meet. This was what I'd been dreaming of, and I eagerly replied that tomorrow at noon would be fine for me. I think he left because there was no immediate reply. With the night progressing, Mia suggested it was time to leave. I changed into something more comfortable and juggled between house chores and office work. Around 11, I rechecked my phone for a reply.

As expected, a few messages were waiting for me. Blushing, I opened the chat. A few minutes later, I received another message that made my cheeks flush with warmth. And then, as if on cue, there was a soft knock on my window – it was Caleb. Drenched in the rain, he climbed up to my house with a radiant smile. I insisted he come inside before he caught a cold. Helping him through the window, I fetched a towel from the cupboard and handed it to him. As he dried himself, I couldn't help but steal glances at him – the way his wet shirt clung to his body accentuating his features. The air was charged with a mix of excitement and anticipation, making the room feel electric with the unspoken connection between us."

His clothes clung to him, drenched from the rain. Fortunately, I recalled a baggy spare T-shirt of my father's that I'd 'borrowed' long ago. Handing it to him, I suggested, "You might want to change into this." As I went to retrieve the shirt, I returned to find him already shirtless, wiping water from his chest. The sight of his sculpted abs was impossible to ignore. Feeling a bit guilty for ogling, I turned away, my cheeks flushed, and handed him the shirt with a nonchalant, "Here you go."

As I faced away, he assured me, "It's okay; you can turn. I'm done." When I turned back, he stood there, looking utterly adorable in his wet hair and baggy T-shirt. Blushing, I asked him the reason for his sudden visit. "I wanted to see you," he admitted, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "I can't stop remembering you." Was this a proposal or a confession? Uncertain, I suggested he calm down and take a seat.

Our proximity was intense; our breaths mingled in the charged air. Being my usual clumsy self, I slipped on the water, courtesy of his soaked clothes. Instinctively, I reached out to grab his hand, but the unexpected movement caused him to lose balance, and he ended up falling onto the bed. Fortunately, it was a bed, but oh dear, our lips met in an unexpected kiss. My eyes were closed during the fall, and when I opened them, his dark brown eyes locked onto mine. We stared at each other in disbelief.

He gently put a hand on my face, turning the moment into a lingering kiss. I was kissing Caleb Harrison—CEO, my long-time crush, and my best friend's brother! The kiss was a mix of sweetness, wetness, and an overload of blush. After the kiss, a strand of saliva hung between our lips. He moved to the other side of the bed and lay down, facing the wall. I stood there, still in shock, my face as red as a cherry, struggling to comprehend the whirlwind of emotions.

Trying to act normal, I asked if he could stay the night due to the ongoing thunderstorm. Standing up, he politely declined, saying, "It's okay; I'll manage to go. I just came here to see if it's actually okay." Curious about how he got my address, I already knew it was Mia, but I couldn't resist asking. He confirmed it was Mia, and as a gentleman, he offered to sleep on the floor.

I nodded, still speechless. Returning after cleaning my hands, I found him uncomfortably sprawled on the sofa. I insisted he sleeps on the bed, to which he initially refused. Ugh, he's unbelievably attractive! Switching off the light, I lay on one side of the bed, secretly hoping he'd join me later.

After a few minutes, he did come to the bed. Unable to sleep, I asked if everything was okay. He placed a pillow in the middle as a border. I chuckled and tried to sleep, determined not to dwell on that unexpected kiss tonight. Moments later, he called my name, and I responded with a simple yes. Apologetically, he said, "Sorry." Intrigued, I asked why. He smiled, perhaps blushed, and whispered, "That one." "Which one?" I teasingly asked. "Oh, come on, you know what I'm talking about," he replied. Blushing, I buried my face in the blanket, and throughout the night, I stole glances at his captivating face.

As the night wore on, and the soft glow from the streetlight seeped through the curtains, an unspoken tension lingered in the air. It was a night filled with uncharted territories, stolen glances, and an unexpected kiss that left us both questioning the boundaries of our relationship.

In the hushed darkness, I couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring. Caleb lay on one side of the bed, his presence casting a magnetic pull, while I, lost in a sea of contemplation, tried to decipher the kaleidoscope of emotions swirling within me.

As the clock ticked away, Caleb broke the silence, "Scarlett, I...," but his words hung in the air, left incomplete. The unspoken words dangled between us, creating an anticipation that refused to be ignored.

With a hesitant smile, he finally said, "Let's see what tomorrow holds for us." It was a statement pregnant with possibilities, leaving the door open to an unknown future.

As he settled into an uneasy slumber, I couldn't shake off the electric energy that buzzed in the room. The chapter had ended, but the story was far from over. Tomorrow he loomed like a blank page, waiting to be written with secrets, confessions, and, perhaps, the unveiling of deeper feelings.

With a heart full of questions and the promise of a new day, I closed my eyes, eager to embrace whatever twists and turns awaited in the chapters yet to unfold.

A Second Chord of Love {Part2}Where stories live. Discover now