Chapter Twenty-four: Part 2

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Khali James

Just as it was meant to be, Khali had no memories of his time in the mysterious place he had been. It was as if his memory had been completely wiped as soon as he stepped through the door that has a pattern of black and red squares.

His emotions and situation were unchanged. Khali shot himself, the gunshot, a sound of death. A hole appeared in his head, his blood staining the bed and dripping onto the floor.

Khali's body lay motionless on the bed, as if pleading for help. His eyes remained open, and his mouth slightly agape. The apartment smelled of death.
The police arrived shortly after the shot was fired. They found Khali's body and immediately began an investigation. They questioned his neighbor, Jamal who was grief-stricken by Khali's death. However, Jamal's response did not provide any information that would help solve the case.

The next morning, forensics arrived to examine Khali's body. After the examination, it was confirmed that Khali had committed suicide, as his fingerprints were found on the gun. Soon after, the news of his death reached his parents, siblings and his uncle in Florida.

They were all devastated by the loss of their loved one, and they wondered what could have driven him to take his own life. The questions continued to swirl in their heads, but they would never know the answers.

Dominick Ricardo

Just like Khali, Dominick had no memory of his time in the mysterious place he had been. It was as if his memory had been completely wiped the moment he stepped through the door, which had a pattern of black and red squares.

His emotions and situation remained the same.
He had a bottle of pills, and he knew that they were enough to end it all. He swallowed them, and a surge of pain overtook his stomach. Tears rushed from his eyes, and he was unable to scream. He held his stomach and rested on his bed. Suddenly, blood started flowing from Dominick's mouth, staining the bed. His eyes turned red, and he struggled to breathe. Within minutes, he was motionless on the bed. He was dead.

No one found him until two days later in the morning, when his phone was already flooded with missed calls from his parents and friends. His parents and some of his friends had tried to reach him, but he hadn't responded.
His parents then went to his apartment to check on him.

The parents knocked on his door countless times, but there was no response. Their worry increased, so they called one of Dominick's friends, who came to check on him as well. Together, they forced the door open. They saw Dominick's lifeless body, which smelled of decay, since he had been there for almost two days. The parents were devastated. Beside him, they saw an empty pill bottle, and they feared the worst.

After several hours, the results of Dominick's autopsy confirmed their worst fears: Dominick had committed suicide by taking an entire bottle of pills. His parents were devastated, and they wondered what could have driven him to take such a drastic action. They knew that he had been having a difficult time in his life, but they never imagined that he would do something like this. They tried to make sense of it all, but in the end, they knew that they would never truly understand what had happened. All they could do was grieve and remember the son they had lost.

The news of Dominick's death spread quickly through the community, and many people were shocked and saddened by the news. His friends couldn't believe that he was gone. They remembered him as a kind and caring person who was always willing to lend a helping hand. They couldn't understand why he would have taken such a drastic action, and they would never truly know the answer.

Oliver Collins

In a moment, Oliver found himself floating quickly in a swirling tornado of white and green.

Then, the next moment, he was holding a rope tied to the ceiling fan while standing on a chair. He was confused at first, but then all his memories came rushing back to him. He let go of the rope and got down from the chair, whispering to himself, "My life doesn't need to be taken by my own hands. My wife will not die this day, but live. A miracle is what's going to happen." He called it a "changed fate" as he made his way to the bedroom where his wife was bedridden.

He sat beside her and waited for a miracle to happen. And sure enough, the housekeeper came in and told him that a complete stranger was asking for him. He was surprised, but he decided to go and see who it was.

When he opened the door, he saw a young man standing there.

The man introduced himself as a mage. Surprised to see a young mage, Oliver said, "I don't need to guess why you're here. You came to save my wife, I'm sure of that."

"This is indeed strange," the mage said. "Well, I was given an instruction by an unknown god, whom I saw in a vision. He claimed to be the god of fate, and said his name was Razal. He told me about your wife's condition and how I could cure her before she dies. But we're down to the wire - there are just ten minutes left. Mr. Collins, you'll have to let me into where she is, right away."

Without hesitation, Oliver took the mage to where his wife was. The mage immediately got to work, casting a series of spells on her. Time seemed to stand still as they waited to see if the spells would have any effect. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they saw a change. The color began to return to Mrs. Collins' face, and she started to stir.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked around, confused. When she saw her husband and the mage, she asked, "What's going on? Where am I?"
Oliver quickly reassured her, "You're home, safe and sound. The mage here was able to cure you. You're going to be okay now."

Mrs. Collins smiled weakly and said, "I don't know how to thank you both enough. I feel like a new person."

The mage simply smiled and said, "It's my pleasure. I'm glad I could help."
"What's your name?" Mrs. Collins asked.
"I am Zedek. It hasn't been long since I became a mage. I never expected that I would be able to cure an illness that even the greatest mage in the kingdom could not cure. It seems that your husband gained favor from a god who appeared to me in a vision. This god showed me how to cure you of your illness."
"I understand," Mrs. Collins said, smiling. "I am so grateful for what you've done for me."
"It was my pleasure," the mage replied.

After Mrs. Collins was healed, her and her husband's lives changed drastically. They were no longer scared of her illness or the possibility of her death. Instead, they embraced each day with happiness and gratitude.
Years went by, and they lived a life filled with love and joy. Oliver felt so much happiness with his wife by his side, the greatest treasure he possessed.

The Mystical Place

Back in the mystical place, Razal and Shomer watched everything unfold on a mystical screen that hung in the air. Both of them smiled.

"A happy ending for some, and a tragic ending for others. That's just how life is. Not everyone who gets the chance to change their fate succeeds," Razal said.
Shomer nodded. "You're right, my lord. By testing them and allowing them to change their own fate, you're helping to reduce the number of people who are the victims of ill fate. I know you could have just changed everyone's fate without any sort of test, but you're a god of principles. You believe that people should have the opportunity to change their own lives. That's what makes you so special - your respect for human agency and free will."

Razal nodded, his expression thoughtful.

"You're right. Even if some people make choices that lead to suffering, I can't control their lives for them. They must live and learn by their own choices. That's what gives life meaning."

With passionate eyes, they looked forward to the next set of individuals whose fates they would get to change.

The End

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