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Why did I have sex with Damien?

Ask yourself!

Well would you count that as sex?

He did thrust inside you didn't he?

Yes but......

Stop thinking about excuse Hailey

Hey, your also me. Ugh. Why am I even talking to my brain. Whatever it's night already and it's time for bed.

I got into bed and reached over to close the lamp lights. After a while I fell asleep.

I wanted to run away as fast as I can. But I was being held down, and soon my clothes were being torn off bit by bit off my body.

'Noo' I screamed as I tried to push them off of me, but I couldn't. 'Please' I begged as tears started to stream down my face.


Why was this happening to me?

I instantly jotted up in cold sweat. Why am I having this nightmare again. I walked into the bathroom and splashed myself with some cold water. I couldn't sleep, not anymore. I grabbed a coat and headed out.

I walked down the streets of Italy and it was gorgeous even at night. Before I knew it I had walked all the way to where Damien was living.

I contemplated for a while, thinking about wether to knock or not. I decided not to, so I just turned around and walked back to my hotel room.

Once I got back I found Lucy sitting in my room. "Hails is everything okay." Lucy asked as she looked at me with worried eyes.

"I'm fine." I replied as I say next to her on the bed and wrapped an arm around her. This brings back so many good memories, when things didn't turn out the way it, when we were all happy and no one was fighting. It kind of felt like it was all my fault that we were falling apart, if I didn't keep pushing Damien away then maybe him and Brayden wouldn't have gotten into any fight.

And they would all still be best friends, I mean they have all been close since we were kids and I've noticed how he was more social after meeting them. But I guess you can't change what has happened already, all you have to do is focus on the future and hope that things will get better.

But for now I had to worry about myself and how I'm going to get revenge on all of those who have wronged me before.

But not Damien of course!

'Shut up brain.' I tell myself but knowing damn well that it was true, no matter what Damien did to me, I could never bring myself to hate him, even if it meant I would die, live in pain, I mean yes I have hated him for hurting me but deep down I knew that I could never live without him and how he was like the sun in my life.

Always making my life so bright, beautiful and warm. I hated him for that but at the same time I hated myself for that.


Why can I never forget about him.

The way he looks at me.

His eyes. His smile. His scent. His hair.

The list just goes on and on but did he feel the same way. Can I even feel this way anymore.


"Hailey." Lucy called even louder pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and gave her a weak smile. I couldn't do this anymore, it felt like I was empty.

Like everything that I held onto was being ripped away from me. Yet, I knew that there was always going to be one thing that always belonged to me. And that was Damien.

When we got back to New York I had gotten rid of all my stupid little thoughts and got back to being the best surgeon that I could be. Damien was all good with Brayden and Brayden apologized to Damien after Bella had threatened Brayden with the couch.

I guess what the say is true, when I guy is in love they would do anything for their woman. But at the same time anything could go wrong since there was many people out there trying to break up the couples of the New York mafia. Especially the enemies of our mafia since they are trying to take out place as the number on mafia family.



I wanted to get something out but at the same time I'm sick right now, and if some of you guys have noticed I have taken down 'Will Love Reign' and that's because while I'm sick this week, I'm going to be rewriting it and probably after I'm done, I might take a break from wattpad, just because of all the things I have coming up. And not to mention resting so I could get better.

But anyways I love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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