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Austin walked over to me like he was Prince Charming and I was Cinderella. If I wasn't out of my mind drunk I probably would've been grossed out. "Come on angel let's go", he said to me while picking me up off the ground. "Austin I can walk I have legs I'm not a worm", I said while flipping him off.

"Ok let's see it then", he said laughing at me in my drunken state. I attempted to get up and to my suprise I was successful, well for about five seconds until I fell into Austin.

"See I told you come on let's go", he said actually picking me up this time. I didn't even try to protest him I knew I would fail miserably.

  "I'm not even that drunk", I said to him as I crossed my arms. He had picked me up bridal style so I could try and walk. "You sure about that??", he said while laughing at me in my drunken state.

  "Yes I am actually", I said proudly. He looked down at me and just started smiling. "What?", I asked him confused. "You're just a really funny drunk angel that's all", he said as we approached the car.

  "Why do you call me that", I asked. "Call you what angel?", he said as he sat me down looking for the car keys in his pocket. "Yea", I said. "That's a conversation for another time, you know when you're not blackout drunk", he said unlocking the car and laughing. I could feel the blood rise to my cheeks.

"Am not!!", I said smacking his arm. He started laughing at me again. He's so hot, no no no, he's not hot snap out of it Charlotte.

"Can I sit next to Rafe this time?", I asked while he opened the car door. "You know I would let you but you need to lay down Char so your gonna have to sit in the back with me", he replied while digging through the car to find something.

"What's back there, what are you looking for?", I said. Rafe never really keeps anything in his car so I was confused. "Nothing Char, don't worry you don't need to see the things back here angel", he said as he turned around pulling out a hoodie. "Here", he stated while putting the hoodie on me. It said DUKE on it and it was dark blue, I knew this wasn't Rafes. "Who's is this", I asked staring up at him.

"Mine your brother is stupid and doesn't keep anything in here I must've left that in her awhile ago", he said looking back down at me. "Come on let's go", he said as he climbed in the car. I followed behind him into the far backseat.

He sat down in the same spot he was in earlier and I laid down trying to get comfortable. When all of a sudden he softly grabbed my shoulder and guided my head down so it would be laying in his lap.

I smiled softly to myself as my cheeks turned pink. I curled my legs up a little bit tighter so I was perfectly comfortable. I was about to fall asleep when I heard the door opening. It must've been everyone.

It had been about 10 minutes since I last saw Rafe when he went to find everyone, I wonder what took so long.

I could hear everyone climbing into the car. I decided to just keep my eyes closed, I was about to fall asleep anyways. Maybe they'd think I was sleeping. I'm pretty sure Austin thought I was.

"Would you all shut the fuck up", I heard Austin hiss at the drunk teenagers. He must've been pointing down at me because everyone seemed to quiet down without protest.

"How much did she drink?" I heard Sarah say. "Way too much that's for sure", Rafe said back chuckling.

"She didn't give you any shit trying to get in the car did she?", Topper asked. "Nope not much except for when she thought she could walk and she fucking fell over", he said but not to loudly trying not to wake me up as if I was sleeping.

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