the kickoff

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  It was the beginning of summer in the outer banks, school had just been released for the two month long ,but very much needed, break. I especially needed this break. I'm so tired and over school and between tennis and all of the other kook events I have to attend, after all my father is Ward Cameron, I really just need to have fun and be stress free.

  I was sitting in my room in my window seat scrolling through Pinterest trying to find some cute outfit inspiration for this summer. For context every year right after school ends my mom Rose takes all of the Cameron girls on a shopping spree, it has to be my favorite part of summer, we've been doing it for ages. I had just clicked on an outfit and added it to my board called "summer fits", when all of a sudden my twin sister Sarah bursted into my room.

  "Charlotte!!", she shouted practically at the top of her lungs. Sometimes I wonder to myself how she doesn't loose her voice. "Sarah!!", I answered as I threw my hands up in the air sarcastically and started laughing. "So you know how summer just began", she started. "Yes of course I do how could one forget that Sar", I replied. "Well... the pouges are throwing this huge kegger on the beach", she continued. "Yea and what about it?", I questioned. I had never really been one for parties on the cut. All they had was cheap alcohol that to be honest doesn't taste that fantastic. "I was thinking that we could all go!", Sarah replied, "It will be super fun I promise, me, you, Drew, Rafe, and...", sarah stated as she moved to sit down on her twin's bed. "Sarah who else?", I said praying she wasn't going to say who I think she was going to say. "Ummm Austin", she spit out very fast hoping I wouldn't hear. But oh I heard.

  Austin Anderson, the guy who's been practically drooling all over me since the second he became friends with my brother. I was now second guessing saying yes to going to this kegger. "Sarah you know how obsessed he is with me", I said not interested anymore. "Oh come on!", she pleaded. "It's literally the kickoff of summer Char we can't miss it!!". "Ok ok fine I'll go", I said while starting to get up. "Yesss!!", she shrieked. "Under one condition tell Rafe to keep his little pet dog bestfriend away from me". "Deal", she said while pulling out her phone to text Rafe to back off Audrey tonight and pull no Austin shit.

  "Now let's get ready we need to look hot as shit", she told me while smiling. I responded giving her and excited smile back.


  Me and Rafe were in the gym working out. When he mentioned going to the kegger that was happening tonight. "You know about that kegger that's over on the cut tonight?", Rafe questioned me. "Yea of course I do that's literally all Sarah was yapping about when she was at my house hanging out with drew earlier", I stated, "why?". "Well I was thinking we could go you know first party of the summer",he told me as he walked over to grab different weights to put on the bar. "Yea I guess we could isn't it on the cut tho, I mean all they have to offer is crappy beer" I said back after reaching for my water bottle. "Yea I know but my sisters are going and" he tired to say before I cut him off. "Your sisters, like as I'm charlotte as well", I asked. "No my imaginary sister named Agatha you know the one with the big wart", Rafe said sarcastically rolling his eyes grabbing his phone as it went off. "Anyways if Charlottes going then I'll go I need a real chance with her tonight tho help me out ok?", i asked.

  "Ummm about that I would love to cause your the only one actually good for her but", Rafe said looking at his phone seeming annoyed. "What?", I questioned. Wait is Char ok I hope she's okay gosh what would I do if something happened to her. "Sarah kinda texted me telling me to back of charlotte tonight and let her have fun and to not pull any austin crap", Rafe said giving me a slight smile. "You have got to be kidding me", I sighed.

  All ive ever wanted in life was charlotte. I mean of course I've had other girlfriends, yet somehow it always went back to charlotte. Rafe also thinks I'm good for her and that we would be perfect, so does Sarah. Awhile ago she said "it would be so perfect twins dating twins!", while she jumped around looking like a fucking unicorn. I needed charlotte though I have always loved that girl. Her and her long pretty blonde hair and daring emerald green eyes, her skin was tanned all year round and she had the cutest nose and freckles. She was perfect in every single way. But lots of guys thought that about her. She had never had a boyfriend tho, Rafe put his foot down on the no dating unless I approve thing after he saw her making out with a pouge at a party.

I'm kind of happy he put his foot down gives me a better chance, not that she's ever had much interest but my summer goal is to make her mine. Of course k had my whole friend group helping me even Rafe.

"Earth to Austin!!", Rafe shouted at me snapping his fingers in my face. "Sorry lost in my thoughts". "You mean your thoughts about my little sister", Rafe said as he chuckled. "Would you shut up", I yells from across the room. "Now come on we have to go pick up the rest of our dumb fuck friends and my sisters", Rafe said. "Alright let's go", I said grabbing the keys to my Mercedes.

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