23: Echoing Fate

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           As someone that struggles to reach the surface, battling wave after wave, after wave, after wave – each stronger than the other – being pushed further and further down. And then, a glimpse of the sun, peeking through the waves, a last push, someone that propels you upwards. Jungkook’s head came to the surface and all of his body inhaled desperately the air; his lungs screamed as they expanded, begging to consume all the air. All of his muscles tensed, only to explode in the next second and with a violent pull, Jungkook lifted his body from the bed.

           A group of worried faces stared at him in disbelief, controlling with their eyes the rising and lowering of Jungkook’s chest. It felt strange, to him; they gazed at him as if they were checking, making sure that he was breathing. All that Jungkook remembered was the dream; the labyrinth, the boy... The house of the room slammed open and Namjoon rushed inside, panting heavily, eyes wide open staring right at him. Jinsang was there too, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi were rounded around his bed. There was a morbid silence; no one dared to speak, for some reason. Only Jungkook’s breathing echoed in the room. Where they waiting for him to say something? To Jungkook it just seemed that he had been dreaming, having a profound sleep. He felt no pain in his body, he sensed no open wounds or signs of having been hurt.

           “Jungkook...” Namjoon approached slowly towards him. Carefully, his feet treaded the ground, scared even, wondering how would Jungkook react. “How are you feeling?”

           Jungkook’s eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Had something happened while he was asleep? Why the worry, the hesitant questions as if he was about to blow up? Dryly, Namjoon swallowed; shakenly, his eyes wavered in its sockets.

           “Do you... remember what happened?” Namjoon was right by his side now. Jungkook sat up in bed, studied the room once more. Searching with his eyes for some sort of answer. “Jungkook, do you remember anything at all?”

           “Let him rest” Sighing, Jinsang slightly tapped the floor with his cane. Gently, he laced his fingers on top of it. “Give him time”

           “I’m afraid he has no time” Sternly, Namjoon stated and aggressively, he grabbed Jungkook by his shoulders. “He has to remember something... just a little something. A sound, even. No one can just forget something like that... He wouldn’t forget it, I’m certain.”

           “Namjoon” Jungkook’s voice, tired and forgetful of its own sound, trembled like a child who just learned to speak. “Namjoon...”

           Frantically, Jungkook started looking around the room; his head spinning so fast, his arms twitching frenetically under Namjoon’s grip. He kept on calling for Namjoon, his voice becoming louder and stronger, with each utterance. It had been long ago, a really long time ago, since Namjoon had seen the Alpha so displaced, so panicked, utterly lost in his body. He had learned with time, that with Jungkook, it was always better to let him go. Do not restrain him, do not lie to him, do not sugarcoat it, do not omit details. Just let him go, let him have space and time to understand his feelings.

           “Hani” Namjoon’s hands dropped from Jungkook’s shoulders. “Hani is not here. Why do I feel her so... distant?”

           “He does not remember” Frustrated, Jin slammed with his hands on the bed. “Now, how are we supposed to get some sort lead as to who did this? We have been going in circles for days, now. Going over the same routes, staring at that f*cking room, god knows how many times. And there’s nothing in it”.

           “I don’t understand...” Jungkook looked completely lost in the room. “I really don’t... understand”

           “Head injuries” Jinsang got up from his seat; he gazed at Jungkook with sadness and pity. “They usually have this sort of effect. Time can only tell if he will remember or not. The best thing would be to tell him”

The True Alpha: Invictus // jjkWhere stories live. Discover now