Chapter 08: The Past and The Future

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A/N: heavy chapter

Jungkook's hand flew towards those who held him, who prevent the air from entering or escaping his lungs. The hands were wrinkly as if only one single layer of skin covered its bones. In the midst of such darkness, Jungkook could not tell if Hani was still there, in front of him, or if she had been taken away. Panicking, his heart wavered in his chest and almost beggingly, Jungkook hoped for a chance, a slight opportunity to fight back. As strong as he could, Jungkook squirmed in its hold, he took assertive steps backwards, hoping to somehow cause the figure to trip. Hani felt that her breathing was disappearing alongside The Alpha's; she could hear the footsteps, the groans of pains, the way he dragged his feet, for he had no strength in him to lift them. However, she could not move, or, in fact, it was hesitance and insecurity that tied her down. She could be not be certain that Jungkook faced her, there was no way of knowing – seeing – where The Alpha was. Impulsively, her mouth opened to call out for him, searching for something to guide her towards him and yet, no sound came out of it. If she were to make a sound, whoever there was inside with them, would be able to find her. And, at that moment, she could not allow herself to be found. Somehow, rather impossibly, she would have to find Jungkook, help him, without ever showing that she was there.

The wooden wolves that covered the floor moved and groaned in complain as Jungkook forcibly made the attacker retrace its steps. At last, a spark of luck appeared to cascade down on him: the grasp on his neck, for brief seconds, had lessened and immediately, Jungkook slid his fingers inside the attacker's hands. In that manner, he attempted to remove the hands from his neck. As he did so, Hani carefully sat down on the floor. Her gut had convinced that if she was at ground level, then it would be harder for her to be found and, at the same time, it would be easier to find the attacker since she remembered that this strange figure wore only a lengthy dark veil on its body. Slowly she crawled, warily she followed the sound of the footsteps; the left side of her body grazed the wall. Her hand felt the cold chains; Jungkook appeared to be aiming for the wall, so that he could daze the attacker by pushing it against the surface. An idea popped in Hani's head and fumbling, she searched for the end of the chains with her hands. They trailed it nervously and Hani was able to find the spot in the wall to which the chains were attached to. The attacker's body clashed against the wall with force; Jungkook swayed his body front and back, testing the strength of the attacker's grasp. With the chain wrapped around her hands, Hani pulled it towards her as hard as she could. Her body fell messily on top of the wooden wolves; the place where the chains once had been, now was nothing more than a hole. Light, even if small and frail, entered the room. The deafening sound caused by the girl's decision, caught the attacker by surprise. The Alpha's chest lightened in relief and brutishly, he ripped himself free from the chokehold.

Aggressively, Jungkook coughed; desperately, hoping to resume to his normal breathing cycle. Hani dashed towards him; the attacker did the same. The Alpha was crouched down, holding onto his shirt in exasperation, completely vulnerable to the upcoming attack. And yet, before the attacker could lay its hands again on him, a chain around its neck, prevented it from moving. The cold steel of the chain burned against the girl's hands as she continued on pulling the attacker away from Jungkook. In an animalistic way, it squirmed and revolted against the chains. The "thing" which now, lightly revealed by the breach of sunlight that sneaked inside the cabin, Hani could recognize as the figure she had seen months before. Harshly, it tugged the chain; ripped it away from her hands and the girl, utterly unbalanced, was thrown against the wall. Hani's head throbbed with pain; a gooey substance slithered down her forehead.

It seemed that the "thing" recognized the girl, at last. Not by her name, but by the description which had been hammered into his head by Ulric. And so, slowly, dragging the dark fabric slowly across the floor, the "thing" made its way towards Hani. A mistake had been made, many, in fact, had been made in that room. Too absorbed in its task, the "thing" forgot about The Alpha. In a flash, with both his hands digging brutishly on the, barely, human shoulders of it, Jungkook grabbed it. Mercilessly, the veiled creature slammed on the wall and the previous small hole that Hani had opened, suddenly, became huge. Light strong and vibrant invaded the cabin; Hani and Jungkook were able to see one another. Fumbling on his own feet, Jungkook dashed towards her; gently, he caressed her cheeks. Panicking his eyes analysed her face, his hands rummaged through her body as if checking for an unseeable blade or wound eyes couldn't find.

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