14: Message

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Hani was awakened by shuffling on the bed. Tiredly, she opened her eyes; cursing silently under her breath at how early in the morning it was. However, so early it was that it shocked her. It surprised her to see the sky still dark outside their window and it somewhat felt empty, to not have the sun cascading down the bed. The Alpha was getting ready; muttering, he put own his clothes. Hani's eyebrows furrowed together in curiosity and carefully, she pulled her body upwards, so that she could sit up with her back leaned against the bed frame. Despite the muttering, Jungkook was sensitive to his surroundings; swiftly, he turned around to face the sleepy girl.

Slowly, she yawned as she rubbed the growing bump tenderly. Smiling lovingly, Jungkook approached her and immediately, the girl's hand reached forward to grab his shirt, so that she could drag him back to the bed. A small kiss was pressed to her hands and another one, longer, gentler to the baby. Chuckling lightly, Jungkook attached his lips to her; they moved slowly, and tenderly they fully woke up the girl. Hani complained softly when she felt him pulling away and Jungkook was forced to deliver rapid pecks to her lips, so that her grasp on his shirt would soften.

"I really need to go, baby" Laughing, Jungkook, at last detached his lips from her. "I really don't want to go. And trust me, if I could stay with you two, I would."

"Where are you even going this early in the morning?" Slightly, Jungkook's eyes widened at the girl's question. Her light brown eyes stared at him inquisitively and attentively, applying a rather motherly pressure on him. "Or late in the night? The sun is not even out in the horizon..."

"Ulric's. I'm going to Ulric's" Jungkook had announced it in such a nonchalant way, as if no danger and no threat could ever be involved in those lines. And yet, the girl's eyes widened abruptly, sleep and exhaustion were ripped away from her limbs and violently, she jolted in bed; straightening her posture so that she could look at Jungkook dead in the eyes. The Alpha didn't show a sign of hesitance, neither did his tongue twist inside his mouth in hopes of restructuring his words. With his eyes focused on hers, without an ounce of regret; Jungkook stood still and unmovable – a man impossible to change its mind. "There's something I need to do."

"What are you going to do?" Panicking, the girl's body lunged forward. "Haven't you learned enough, Jungkook?"

"I have learned. I'm putting it into practice today" Sighing, Jungkook dodged the brazen gaze of the girl; the challenging words she threw at him. A childish way, perhaps, of sheltering The Alpha from pain, from the weight of his own hands. Still, Jungkook had already made up his mind. "I'm sending him a message. He has sent plenty to me and I have heard him. Now, it's his time to hear us."

"We can't make any rash decisions, Jungkook." With his back turned, Jungkook started putting on his shoes. Hani's worry continued to pour from her mouth, like a falling angry rain that wouldn't cease, for as much as Jungkook tried to. "There's a lot, and I mean, a lot on our hands. This is not just about us anymore. This baby depends on us, on the both of us."

"I know. That's why I need to act. If I don't, he'll swallow all of us." Hani's eyes trailed the strong back of The Alpha; silently, she drew his posture in her mind. The straight spine, the tall head, the strong shoulders. His demeanour and the aura of determination that reeked out of his body were too big, too grand for their small room. And Hani could do nothing, but hope that his heart wouldn't shatter under the weight, crumble under the fall. "He's cornering us, mentally. You know that, don't you? He is installing fear on our bodies, so that once we have the chance to strike him, our legs won't move. I want to tell him it's not working. I want him to see that I'm still here, trying to persevere and survive, regardless of the things he has done. I want him to stare into my own eyes and see that I cannot be shaken. I won't crumble. And even if one day I do, it won't be in front of him; but once I finish, destroying him."

The True Alpha: Invictus // jjkWhere stories live. Discover now