Pink Smoke

367 3 43

Originally published on October 4th, 2019 on Wattpad. This is the RE-RE-rewrite. Again, this is the original creator reuploading!

CWS; Profanity, sexual content.

[ third pov ]

"You want me to make Woody a confidence potion?" Golf Ball asked for what felt like the millionth time, hoping she understood her green-haired friend correctly.

Leafy returned her stare, his hands clasped behind his back, a wide smile on his face. "He said it would be helpful for talking to Teardrop! I'm not sure why, but still," she said, shrugging.

She took a step back, rolling her eyes. "Fine," she sighed as she hunched over. "I'll help. But only because I know you'll continue to bother me unless I do."

Leafy responded to her accusation with an innocent grin. "Oh, I definitely would," he said, moving in closer and pulling her into a tight hug. "Even so, I appreciate your help!"

Golf Ball grimaced and wriggled free, dusting off her lab coat. She had always hated physical contact, particularly hugs. They were too intimate and plain...awkward for her liking.

And she was already awkward enough, thank you very much!

"No touching," she replied, raising her brow, causing Leafy to look away sheepishly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a potion to make!"

She waved her friend away and walked back into her laboratory, sighing as she closed the door. Sweet paradise, she thought as she went over to her work desk and swiped a few old papers from it.

Her lab partner approached her with a smile as she sat down and hummed to herself. Golf Ball smiled back as she pulled out a stack of unmarked paper.

"Tb! You aren't busy, are you?" She asked, looking up at him. Her eyes twinkled with a familiar glint, indicating that she was planning a new experiment. "I think I'll need you for a little while."

"I'm free, what's going on?" He said as he leaned over with a hand on the back of her chair.

"Woody needs a confidence potion," she said, her gaze shifting to the paper in front of her. "And I hate admitting it, but I'm not sure if I can do it."

Tennis Ball was taken aback for a moment, having never heard her say anything like that before. It wasn't in her nature to be nervous about things like this, she had always been so sure-footed. She's also much more persistent than anyone he's ever met.

Hearing her doubts about herself was, to say the least, worrying. Nonetheless, he felt obligated to support her as her best friend and lab partner.

"Don't be so negative, Gb," he urged. "You're the smartest person around here, so I know you can do it. And I'm here to help you in any way I can!"

For a split second, Golf Ball looked up at him in surprise, unsure what to say. Her gaze shifted to her desk as she stuttered over her words to thank him, her cheeks flushed slightly.

When she had calmed herself down, she told him to go get some cinnamon and black tea and place them on one of the nearby tables. Once he did, she prepared all the other ingredients for the potion.

She began with the dry ingredients and then added the wet ingredients. It changed from milk white to yellow and, finally, to orange.

Her eyes narrowed as she examined it, then widen as she snapped her fingers. Golf Ball stood tall as she reached for one of her ready-made potions on the shelf above. Why did I put them here? She thought to herself.

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