2 - Finding Claire

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(The same outfit but without the hat

"Come on, Kathy, open your eyes," Kathy groaned as Chris patted her check gently while he had her propped up against his leg, he smiled down at her, his neck bruising already, and she jerks up, but he made her slow as she groaned again and held he...

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"Come on, Kathy, open your eyes," Kathy groaned as Chris patted her check gently while he had her propped up against his leg, he smiled down at her, his neck bruising already, and she jerks up, but he made her slow as she groaned again and held her head.

"Slowly, when I found you, your head was already healing but you lost a bit of blood, that damned Wesker must have hit your head," Chris said hissing Wesker's name, Kathy's eyes widened as she quickly looked around but relaxed when she saw the man was already gone.

The area they had to go through was filled with broken walls and fire, they had to kill a few zombies before they found a ladder that led down to a switch that turned on a fan that blew toxic smoke away from the area, after killing a few more zombies they made it to another door, Kathy hissed in pain as a hunter slashed her across the face when they entered but before Chris could fire the shotgun she had loaned him she punched it in the head hard enough to break its hard shell and stabbed it in the fleshy weak spot killing it.

Chris whistled, impressed by her display in anger and as he watched the slashes fade to nothing but the smooth pale skin of her face, she wiped the blood away with her hand and they went on, eventually they found another room with a freezer and the chemical they needed, while Chris reloaded his guns Rosalie mixed the chemicals making the new 1 turn red, she shrugged when Chris asked if it was supposed to look like that but neither of them were sure but it had been what the note had told them to do.

They ended up having to backtrack all the way back through the burning parts of the building and out some double door where they took care of some more hunters, both of them managing to not get hurt, they went down an elevator and arrived in a new area and Chris handed her a crossbow and a small quiver she could tie to her belt loop, she let him keep her shotgun for now and decided to just use the crossbow until she ran out of arrows.

They ran through an open storage area, Chris using the shotgun to break a hunter's hard shell while Kathy shot an arrow into its head killing it, they ended up having to figure out how to switch gas into a certain contain so they could lower a bridge, they took out a few more hunters.

"Could I not get a break from monsters?" Kathy asked annoyed making Chris laugh but agree that it was ridiculous that there were so many areas with monsters, luckily after having went though what happened in Racoon City, she was not afraid of Umbrellas monsters any longer, just madly annoyed at the inconvenience of dealing with them all the time, Chris murmured something under his breath when she easily took out more zombies but she did not hear it due to being busy taking care of them.

They ended up having to go all around the compound and found a room filled with water and an odd light purplish enemy that would send out electricity into the water, they chose to stay on the outer walkway of the room and fire on the enemy while staying out of the water, Kathy was growing irritated with it and rapidly unloaded her pistols after slinging the crossbow across her back, eventually the thing died and they were able to get the eagle plate and did a few more puzzles before they got to a hanger with a singular 2 seater plane inside.

"Hang on Claire, we are coming," Chris said as he climbed into the pilot seat and Kathy got in the other, Chris flew, and Kathy took the to rest, she needed it after frightening Wesker and seeing that memory, eventually they landed in another compound and found a crashed plane through a wall above them when they went through a door, they did not find anyone in the room with beds and the next hallway they went down there was some odd web like structures and a zombie fell from 1 section, Kathy sighed annoyed as she killed the zombie while Chris looked around, they tried the door at the end of the hall, only to found it was locked and before going down the other way and into an office where they found a few things to help them with either fights or puzzles.

They also found a man's dairy that said he and his sister were created rather than birthed and it made Kathy cringe, to be made and aware that you are not natural from birth was a terrible way to live, the pair continued on and eventually ended up in a strange frozen lab where Chris took a valve handle, this caused quite a few zombies to rise from the frozen ground making the pair curse and fight, trying to end the monsters quickly.

Once that was over, they left the room and continued to explore the facility in search of Claire, only to discover more of the small drones meaning Albert Wesker had been beaten them to the facility somehow, after searching for a while they found a magnum for Chris to use, and Kathy was growing in frustrated that they had not found Claire yet.

"Why can't anything be easy?" She hissed when they finished fighting a hunter before they go up in an elevator to a hall filled with water, she warned Chris to be cautious because she could feel things as they walked through a frozen area and had to kill a few zombies.

"What is it with umbrellas and puzzles?" She muttered as Chris moved a statue while letting out a soft laugh, "I asked the same thing when I heard Jill's report of the mansion and then the report from Leon about the shit you guys had to do to get out of the city," he replied taking a map and leading her elsewhere, he had not said much else, so she stayed quiet so they could focus on getting to Claire and getting the hell out of there.

"Great more water and ahh now there is bugs, what next?" She said in annoyance when they came to a room filled with bugs and a large green scaled pillar in the center, she tensed because she could feel something within it but they ignored it and went for the other door, after a while they ended up in old mansion and it made them cringe.

"Chris!" Kathy yelled when she found someone stuck to the wall in some sort of cocoon, Chris quickly cut it open and caught Claire as she tumbled out and Kathy watched in horror, they all sat for a while to wait for Claire to wake up.

"Chris, I have missed you so much," the girl said as she hugged her brother and Kathy smiled and listened to the 2 talk for a few minutes, Claire was telling her brother that they needed to find someone named Steve, as they all stood that when Claire finally noticed Kathy her eyes widened, and she crashed into the smaller woman with a fierce hug.

"Kathy, what are you doing here?" Claire asked as she held Kathy who was gently pushing against her so she would let her go, "I got a call from a friend, who told me you were in trouble," Kathy said trying to ease the girl's nerves, but before anyone could say anything else a loud feminine laugh was heard above them.

"Alexia!" Both Kathy and Chris said lowly looking to one another with irritation while Claire was confused, they all ran after the woman but a large snake like monster appeared slamming into the stairs making them collapse leaving Chris on the ground while Kathy was lying beside Claire on the landing.

"Shit," she cursed having recovered faster than the other 2 and watched as the monster slithered away.     


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