4 - Meeting Mr. X and Running

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The ended up finding a car key to open a truck after killing more of the dogs so Leon could get a stock for his Matilda to fire a 3-round burst, they then went to open the shutter Leon had found a crank to and found themselves in a new part of the station.

"I will head to the dark room to develop this film if you want to go on," she said after that had went into the office with beds and a sink, she broke another 1 of those damn raccoon bobble toys behind a suitcase.

"No, you stay here and rest, that dog hurt you pretty badly earlier and I know healing takes it out of you, why don't you try and nap for at least 30 minutes while I look for what we need," he said placing a hand on her shoulder, she went to protest and say she would be fine without resting but he did not let up.

"Lock the door behind me, I will knock 3 times when I come back if you do not come find me first," he said as he moved to the door, she felt uneasy about staying behind, it was 1 thing to spilt up if they were searching but it was another thing to sleep while he could potentially run into trouble, in the end she relented and slept for a little while.

Sher used the sink to splash cool water on her face and drink some of it before going into the office part of the room to look at the clock, she had only spelt for about 15 minutes, but she knew she had been unable to go back to sleep, so she unlocked the door and set out to find Leon.

She saw that he had border up the windows lining the hallway at some point which she was thankful for because there was a zombie trying to break through the glass, she sighed and continued on, finding a raised shutter with the bottom half of a body on 1 side.

"There is the other half then" she murmured quietly as she crouched to push her blade into the dead police man's skull, Leon had likely just passed him as quickly as he could, but she could not just leave the poor man like that, suddenly she felt the pinpoint once again and stood fast before turning back the way she had come, it was moving outside the building again, she ducked when she saw it pass by a window catching a glimpse at more than just that gloved hand like before.


The only thing she could really make out was it was extremely tall, she needed to find Leon quickly because if that thing made it into the building and he was on his own there was no telling what would happen, she passed through the rooms quickly, not even taking a second to look around until she found herself back into the lobby, her heart clenched when she Marvin, a single bullet hole in his forehead and she gathered that he had likely turned and when Leon found him, he had to put him down.

She groaned in pain abruptly pressed on her skull, she staggered but a small memory flashed before her eyes, it was Marvin smiling and holding 1 of those ridiculous raccoon bobbles, he hinted that he had hidden them around the station and that it was her job to find them all when she got back from vacation as a joke or a prank, the memory mad her sad, she had never come back and found them, she had never even gotten to see the people she was supposed to be know again.

It was enraging her that she could not remember anything else, anything substantial, aside from the few memories she had gotten and none of them helped, she did not know who she really was, who she had been or anyone she cared for, it was all just blank and it made her feel sad... Lost, like she did not belong here even when she clearly had a life in this city.

She shook her head, the pain dulling as the memory passed and moved to where she figured she may find a clue to where Leon was, the darkroom, she made her way there using the short cut through the library, she found a dead licker at the bottom of the stairs and blood leading to the darkroom so she quickened her pace and entered the room to find Leon coming out of the picture developing part holding a picture.

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