3 -Meeting Ada Wong

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After having rested for a few minutes and eating, Kathy went up the ladder that Leon had disappeared up just a few moments ago having said he wanted to check it out while she rested, when she came through the manhole above, she found that they had come up in the police parking garage, she hoped that there was not many, if any zombies or other creatures down here.

She was still exhausted but no longer felt like she would pass out at any moment, she moved forward, passing police car as she neared Leon who had yet to notice her presents, apparently, she spooked him because when she got close, he whipped around, his arm bringing his gun quickly, but her muscle memory caused her to step to the other side while catching his wrist and using her other hand to disarm the rookie cop with ease as she pointed his own gun at him.

"Sorry," she said softly after a moment had passed and they passed, and they took stock of the situation they were now in, she quickly lowered the gun and handed it to him feeling both awful to have done that but glad to know that even if she did not remember having training or most her life, before she woke up in that room, her body seemed to remember how to protect itself, it also made her angry that she still did not know what was going on or why she seemed to have these odd abilities.

She vaguely wondered if whatever happened was connected to the journal tucked into her pocket, or if her disappearance was somehow linked to what has happening now, she glanced around as they moved slowly through the area, wondering if the way into the station was still unlocked, she wanted to search through the records room and snag the jacket from the Stars office if she could.

She quietly began to check the few cars within the underground parking lot while Leon went to investigate the gate that was down, she tried car doors and only found the back doors to a large swat vehicle unlocked, she climbed in the back, annoying that she had not found a flashlight so she could hardly see, eventually her vision adjusted, and she found a small first aid spray, bullets which she used to load her guns and a small flashlight, snorting that she found 1 finally and clipped it to the collar of her jacket.

There was not much else of use inside the back of the truck, so she climbed out only to find an infected Doberman going for Leon, she cursed and leapt forward to help him only to be hit from the side by another 1 of the dogs, she had not seen it, so it had likely been behind another car, she hit the ground and rolled and was forced to hold the dog at bay with her left arm, she struggled to get her gun so pulled harshly on the knife on her right thigh and plunged into the dogs head, she heard a shot go off as she did so along with the dogs dying yelped, she shoved the dog off and quickly got to her feet to see another woman with a tan trench coat on walking toward Leon.

"Hey!" She called and the woman turned, and Kathy frowned, 'who the hell wears sunglasses inside at night?' She thought as the woman faced her and walked toward the 2, Leon having got up and wiping the dog's blood from his face, "thank you for your help," Leon said making the woman turn back to him, only then Kathy realizes the woman was holding a gun, which she lowered.

"Surprised you made it this far," the woman said as Kathy went to stand next to the young man, she gritted her teeth at the woman's scathing sarcasm but said nothing, the woman turned vegan to walk away from the pair, her, her short black heels clicking loudly on the cement floor, "FBI, huh? What is going on here?" Leon called as he moved to walk after her and Kathy frowned, she had not seen her flash a badge but she also been a bit caught up with her own infected dog so it could have slipped by her easily.

"Sorry, that information's classified," the woman said loudly, clearly not wanting to speak to the 2 any longer, Kathy slowly followed them, something was not sitting right with her but she was not sure what it was, she also knew it could be whatever she was sensing like she had done with the lickers or other zombies, she for some reason had not felt the dogs but she also had not been really paying attention, whatever was moving around outside the R.P.D building was big if she could feel it under ground.

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