Prologue, Book 2, "The animagus with purple eyes"

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Polaris stands in the garden. It's storming. "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" he says, holding his wand to his chest. He feels the two separate heartbeats in his chest.

Polaris grabs something out of his pocket, it's a potion. He drinks the potion and says the incantation again. "Amato Animo Animato Animagus"

Polaris clenches his fists and cringes.
He feels the potion working, soon he'll be an animagus.

When Polaris opens his eyes, he sees that his body has transformed into a black bird. Polaris hops over to the mirror he brought with him.

Looking back at him is a dark phoenix with purple eyes. Polaris, satisfied, tries to change back, but it doesn't work.

It takes about twenty minutes for him to get it, but when he finally changes back, he smirks and picks up the mirror.

Polaris walks back inside Malfoy Manor. He grabs a spare piece of parchment and a quill and writes:

I am going to be at a friend's place for the rest of the summer. See you at platform 9 ¾.


Satisfied, Polaris walks back outside and changes back into a phoenix. He then vanishes into purple flames.

At The Burrow

Purple flames erupt outside The Burrow. Polaris turns back into a human, and with his bag, he walks up to The Burrow and knocks on the door.

Mrs. Weasley answers the door "Hello Polaris dear. It's nice to see you." She says "It's nice to see you too. Sorry if I woke you up, I had to wait until my family was asleep." Polaris replies, walking in the house and taking off his muddy boots. "It's no problem, dear. Fred and George's room is on the second floor. I bet they're waiting for you." Says Mrs. Weasley. Polaris thanks her and walks to the twins' room.

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