chapter 29

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Chapter 29

That night we went back to bed and in the morning the book called us again.

Book: there has been a shift in the lunar calendar and time is drawing near. Only one of you can find me cause I lost my shoes at the ball. And under the guide of the moon I found my way back home.

Nova: ok that Cinderella but what's the other part

Emma: it's the light of the moon and how does that come in

Nova: don't know but i know where we can find the shoes come on

Kai: so its on top of the school fountain

Hudson: that's not the real on

Emma: but there is a trap around it so the shoes must be here

Hudson: yeah it's below the fountain

Kai: ok so how are we going to get it

Bell ring

Nova: don't know but for now we have class

As we went to class we tried to figure out what we must do to get the slipper until we were in magic 101.

Mrs. Brown: ok class today's lesson is magic casting. Knowing magic casting means that you can hide an object within an outer layer where you can protect what is inside to remove the item you find the seal where it is on the object and say libérer ( mean release). And you can get the object from inside and still have the casting like a souvenir to decorate.

As class went on I realized that there is something wrong with Mrs. brown the mark on her neck was gone and why would she teach a topic like this in class. Could she be the person that helped us?  After class we went back to the fountain and got the glass slipper but all we wanted to know was who that mysterious person was helping us.

The book: time is close and we need to hurry. She won the war and she slept all night but one thing is that you can find your way by the light.

Nova: this is the last clue

Emma: the confluence is in 2 weeks so we need to find this

Hudson: figure out who is following us

Kai: and save the world

Nova: we are dead meat

Everyone: what

Nova: i had a vision without knowing what the items are and everything we need is in the principal's office 

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