chapter 25

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Chapter 25

That night we looked up the symbols on the back of our teacher's neck.

Adam: that looks like symbol of submission very ancient magic

Hudson: how did you know that

Adam: am am just know

Grace: that symbol long time i did not see it

Emma: ok we all need to talk

Nova: how do you know all this and who are you

Grace: i guess it's time we tell them

Adam: i think you are right

Grace: we are the brothers Grimm

Everyone: what

Adam: well there descendants

Grace: we are here to protect the book and you but only get involved when there is danger

Emma: so your telling me you are here to protect the protectors

Adam: just until you guys have finished training

Nova: how can we believe you

Grace: we can show you something that no one else can

Hudson: so far no lies so prove it

As Adam and Grace stood up they took the book and opened the page to the map and then something wonderful happened. We could see the map too but in 3D form and it was beautiful.

Everyone: wow we believe you

Kai: ok so if you are descendants aren't you cousins

Adam: not exactly grace is but i am not i just like you guys minus the powers

Hudson: ok, about that symbol we could not find it in the book

Grace: that part of the book you can't touch it really ancient dark magic

Adam: we are talking about taking over someone's mind and if you don't remove it soon you mind will be lost forever

Grace: you will become a zombie without the death

Emma: it was found behind Mrs. Browns neck

Nova: so how do we fix it

Grace: we have to find the spell but for know no one say nothing to nobody

Adam: who knows who else is out there like that 

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