chapter 10

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Chapter 10

As we sat down to dinner we could not get the thoughts out of my head. Who is he, what does he want with the book and what does he want with us? That night we went to bed. I had the same dream again but different.

Mysterious voice: nova nova

Nova: hi who are you

Mysterious voice: nova come over here

Nova: mom mom where are you am coming to get you i will find you

Patricia: hi baby girl you look so big but we can't stay long the shadows are keeping me at bay in the book you have to listen

Nova: but mom i...

Patricia: nova listen danger is near trust no one but your friends when you leave the house i sheal the book so know one can find it and i link your minds outside so you can find each other but when you are back in the house it disappears

Nova: ok mom but where are you

Patricia: am in the pages of the book you have to find 6 keys and 5 fairytale artifacts

Nova:: how do we find them

Patricia: i have to go know there coming remember trust no one

Nova: mom, mom, mom

Shouts mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone: what happen

Nova: am ok just a bad dream or...

Grace: is everyone ok

Emma: nova just had a bad dream

Grace: do you want me to stay

Nova: no its ok sorry for waking you up

Grace: ok everyone back to bed

Everyone: ok good night

As they all left and went back into their room I sat up thinking of what happened to my mom and what that dream was all about.

Emma: ok what happened

Nova: what are you talking about

Kai: Hudson told us you were lying

Nova: what

Hudson: apparently am a walking lie detector no wonder i can't lie

Nova: so that's your new ability

Hudson: seem so

As I told them what happened in my dream we realized it was a premonition. but what are the keys my mom was talking about and where can we find them. 

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