chapter 13

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Chapter 13

As we pop the bubble and rain over to the waterfall to find the key.

Hudson: ok nova where is it

Nova: i don't know there was also a pond or lake of a kind

Hudson: when we were flying we flew over a lake at the top maybe that's where it is

Nova: ok lets flay come on Emma i got you

Hudson: i got you kai

Kai: not into flying but i will run

Emma: see you up there wow  this is greatest, my best friend is a dragon

Nova: yeah you can write a book about that

Emma: yeah right

Hudson: you know we all know your smart you don't have to act dumb

Emma: how do you know

Kai: i saw you on your computer you created a game that we all play

Emma: yeah but my parents don't like it

Nova: why

Emma: they all want me to be a doctor or lawyer they think coding is a waste of time

Nova: if you love it do it, were here ok Emma your up

Emma: no traps ok water part

Kai: which key is it

Hudson: 6 keys 5 are fake and on is real the right one

Kai: that one

Hudson: yep

Kai: ok got it

Emma: the rest disappeared

Nova: ok we got yo hurry home

As we flew home when we arrived we went to my room where we placed the key in a box and it transformed to hold five more keys. We use our necklace to seal the chest and close it and we hide it so no one can find it but us.

Book: you found me keep me safe cause danger is around the corner. Don't trust no one but your friends and know someone will be there to lend a hand.

Kai: that's going to get some use to and the map expanded

Nova: can you draw it for us

Kai: yeah here

Emma: that's where we were today and look it has an x

Nova: so the map fills in to the place where we go and places a x were we found something but what's that

Kai: a black cloud around the principal's office

Hudson: whatever it is we can't trust him and we need to find out who he really is

Everyone: right 

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