9. Back to HQ

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The ruins of the battle against Thanos have been replaced by a brand new headquarters. I can see a certain emotion crossing the faces of our heroes as we land in this place probably full of memories.

They show us around the seemingly empty compound. Despite the events of the last 24 hours, Aj and Cass have stars in their eyes. They run around and ask lots of questions. We settle into spacious, comfortable rooms and change into oversized tracksuits stamped with the Shield logo. I'm glad I can get rid of this awful waitress uniform.

After a refreshing shower, I make my way to the main lounge and sit next to Bucky on the sofa.

"Sam's not here?"

"I think he needed some family time." He says. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess."

He runs his thumb under the small scar on my cheekbone, making me shiver.

"It seems like you feel responsible for this." I notice, gazing at him.

"Somehow I am, aren't I?"

"Initially, they'd just come to kidnap Sam's family. All you did was saved my life. Twice."

"What if I had failed?"

"But you didn't. I trust you, Bucky. Even more now that I've seen you fight. You're pretty badass, you know that?" I smirk.

He licks his lips and sighs as he drops onto the couch. Biting my lip, I look away.

"Are you going to go back there?" I ask.

"We have to. Barton, Lang and Sharon have volunteered to help us, and some Shield agents are going to stay with you."

"You'll be careful, right?"

"I always do."

"Yeah, but this time be careful for me."

His ocean-blue eyes stare at me intently.

"I almost lost Sarah, Aj and Cass today." I explain. "Just the thought of it made me realize how much it would destroy me if anything happened to anyone I cared about."

He puts a hand behind my head and rests it on his shoulder, running his fingers through my hair. "I care about you too."

I stare at the wall in front of us, repressing a blissful smile. The feeling of his hand in my hair slowly relaxes me. We stay like this until I start to fall asleep.

"You should get some sleep."

"You're probably right." I yawn. "Don't leave without saying goodbye, okay?"

In response, he places a gentle kiss on my forehead. A soft warmth spreads through my body and lulls me to sleep when I reach my bed. I almost forget the day's events.

The next day, Sam and Bucky spend the morning in a meeting. Sarah's night was restless, so I let her get some sleep and go outside to play with the kids. This compound feels like a huge playground.

At lunchtime, I meet Scott, Clint, Kate and Sharon. They're all very nice, although I have reservations about Sharon. Unless it's her closeness to Bucky that bothers me. He's so caught up in his conversation with her that he doesn't seem to have noticed my presence.

I decide to ignore these childish reflections and make friends with Scott, my table neighbor. With his jokes and hilarious anecdotes, he easily manages to put a smile on my face.

At the end of the meal, Sam informs us that they're leaving early the next morning and will be away the whole day. Running out of ideas to keep me busy, I end up considering my outfit, which is comfortable but makes me look like a prison convict. I mention this to Sarah, who agrees with me.

"Sam, do you think we could go out and buy some clothes?" I inquire. "Just so we don't feel like we're in our pyjamas all day."

"I'm not going to let you go out alone, and I've still got some prep work to do this afternoon."

"So if I find someone to come with us, that's okay?"

"Yes." He consents.

"Who wants to go to town with us?" I ask out loud to the room.

"I can, if you want." Scott offers.


I'd have liked to spend the afternoon with Bucky, but he seems busy with his reunion with Sharon. He didn't even bother to pause in his discussion to pay me the slightest bit of attention. Aside from a brief "hello", he hasn't spoken to me since yesterday evening. I'm beginning to doubt my last night's memories.

Sarah finally prefers to stay at HQ, leaving me in charge of her and her child's wardrobe. The afternoon with Scott is quite pleasant, even if a certain sergeant still occupies my thoughts.

Back at the compound, Aj and Cass give us a fashion show with the few supermarket outfits I've bought them. I spend the rest of the day with the Wilson siblings, in an atmosphere that's still heavy but a little lighter than yesterday.

"Is there something going on between Sharon and Bucky?" I inquire.

"I was wondering the same thing." Sarah adds, as observant as I am.

"Nothing I know about, why? Are you still his coach?"

"I was just wondering. They seem pretty close."

"You two seemed pretty close too yesterday." Sam points out.

"Maybe, but he hasn't spoken to me all day, as if... Do you think he's avoiding me?

"Of course not, why would he do that?"

"You're right, it's silly."

The Risk Of Loving You | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now