1. Coaching

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Brush in hand, I refresh the painting of Sam and Sarah's boat, the Paul and Darlene. In the process of helping them repair it, I've revealed an unsuspected talent and a real attraction for DIY.

I also met Bucky. It took a while, but we finally tamed each other. I don't know if he trusts me completely now, but I think it's safe to say we're friends.

Although he never goes into detail about his past with Hydra, I'm aware of the darkness and pain he carries on his shoulders, as well as the nightmares that still plague him. He avoids talking about it, and I understand why.

After the boatyard, he ended up extending his stay at Delacroix. There was nothing to keep him in New York, and he seems to have grown attached to our little island, its port, and its people. He'll never admit it, but I'm sure he's become attached to Sam, too.

Apart from the Wilson family and me, he doesn't socialize with many people. Despite his efforts and progress, he still has a long way to go. Redemption is not an easy path, especially after being through as much horror as he has.

"I was sure I'd find you here!" A voice startles me.

"Sam! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Daydreaming again?"

"I'm not." I deny, even though the small amount of paint I've spread over the last few minutes proves otherwise.

"I wanted to ask you to come over for dinner tonight. Bucky will be there."

"I'd love to. I'll bring some drinks!"

I've known Sam for years. Long before he became Falcon or Captain America. Long before he saved the world. Long before he joined the army and I was hired by Wilson Family Seafood, the small family business run by Sarah. I'm as close to her as I am to her brother. Over time, they've become my closest friends.

As I arrive at the Wilson house, I place a beer pack on the garden table and greet Sarah. Aj and Cass are once again dangling from Bucky's vibranium arm, who's chatting with their uncle without even paying them any attention. This one is taking care of the barbecue, from which a delicious aroma emanates. They all wave at me.

As we chat, I help Sarah set the table. I can't get enough of the warm, early-evening atmosphere of southern Louisiana, coloured by the sun slowly declining over the ocean.

"Are you going on another mission soon?" I ask after dessert.

"Yeah, already." Sam replies. "The team needs to regain some unity, and unfortunately Thanos isn't the only one messing things up."

"It's the return of the Avengers, then?"

"I guess you could say that. Although without Steve, Stark, Natasha and the others... it won't really be the same."

I nod, risking a glance at Bucky. I know how much the leaving of their friend Steve has affected them, even if it has given birth to an unlikely new friendship between the two military men.

"Sorry to change the subject, but we have a special reason to toast today." Sam announces, raising his glass.

"We do?" Sarah and I ask at the same time.

"Our friend the White Wolf got hit on this afternoon. He caught the eye of the supermarket cashier."

"Really, Sam?" Bucky replies. "She was just being nice to me, like she is to all the customers. It's her job."

"I assure you she wasn't. I didn't get the same attention or the same teasing smile as you."

"Why does that surprise you, Bucky? I'm sure you could have success with girls if you just opened up a little." Sarah advises.

"That's exactly what I told him! He hides his game well, but he was quite a charmer in the '40s."

"That was a long time ago."

"And you've never wanted to start meeting women again?" I wonder.

"'Wanted', maybe. But everything's more complicated now. I'm not even sure I remember how."

"What if I help you? I could be your seduction coach!"

"You?" Sam scoffs before I slap his shoulder.

"Hey!" I protest. "I'm sure I've got more experience than you."

"It's not a bad idea." Sarah comments. "It might be good for you and help you open up."

"I'm not sure." Bucky hesitates.

"Of course, we're not talking about finding true love, not even bringing home a girl." I add. "Just a chance to meet people with nothing at stake and no headaches."

"I feel weird saying this, but maybe they're right." Sam admits.

"But I already have you all."

"You're right, that should be more than enough." I agree.

"Come on, it can be fun! I'd bet my life you're tempted." His teammate insists.

"It's still too soon, I-"

"It's all just excuses. At least try one date, and I'm sure your flirtatious soul will come roaring back."

The poor guy seems trapped. It's probably hard for us to imagine how difficult this simple idea must be for him. Afterwards, I feel a little guilty for pushing him.

When we return together to our respective places at the end of the evening, I take the opportunity to temper our enthusiasm. "I'm sorry, I hope we didn't push you too hard earlier."

"Don't worry. It's true that it's not easy to picture myself on a date, or simply talking to a woman."

"Well, thank you." I laugh with a falsely offended look. "Don't feel any pressure. You don't have to start flirting again if you don't want to."

"It's not that I don't want to, trust me. I used to like it. But it was a long time ago, and now I'm not sure I'm that interesting anymore."

"I assure you you are. It's different from before, right, but you've got a lot to offer. You're a fascinating person, Bucky. So please give others the opportunity to get to know you."

He breaks into a touching smile. He certainly didn't have many people to compliment him these past few years.

I can't even imagine what he's been through. The fear, the torture, the hate, the blood... everything that's been imposed to a heart that seems so sweet underneath its cold shell. 

The Risk Of Loving You | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now