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july 14, 2023

It's been a couple days since me and vienna applied to the teams and it's finally time to check if we got in or not.

sam i am😘😍 - sami
vienna wafers😜 - vienna

sam i am😘😍

vienna wafers😜
AHHH i'm so nervous

sam i am😘😍
FR come over so we can check together pooks

vienna wafers😜

sam i am😘😍

"HELLOOO IM HERE!" Vienna yelled from the front door, "Sam's in her room." luke said over in the kitchen "okay then..." she replied. Vienna ran up the stairs to go over to sami's room and barged in, "Jesus Christ vi!" i screamed, "Sorry!" she laughed. "Are you ready?" i smiled nervously "Fuck yeah!!"

we both had our laptops on our laps nervously clicking on the touchpad. "shit, i'm so scared..." i said bitting my nail "stop, me too."Vienna replied. "Vi can you like look at mine and just tell me if i got into them or not because i'm just too scared to look myself." "Of course, and can you do it for me too?"

I gave my laptop to vienna and i put my hand over my eyes not wanting to look or peak what's going to be on my laptop screen. all i can hear are the clicking and tapping from vienna's finger.

"OMG, YOU GOT INTO VANCOUVER!!" vienna screamed, "NO WAYYYYY!!" i took my hands off my eyes to look over at my laptop where was in viennas lap. "Next one?"she asked "YES!" vienna went onto the next one. "New jersey said no..."vienna said quietly "whatever it's fine because jack and luke scare me and i don't wanna be with them, so." i laughed. "oh gosh." vienna shook her head. "OHH OKAYYY SOMEONE GOT INTO SEATTLE!!"she looked over to me "AYEE I GET TO BE WITH VINCE DUNN!"i screamed. "Lucky girl!"vienna exclaimed "who's next?"i asked "Vegas."she said. "No from vegas."vienna said quietly again, "vegas also scares me, anyways!" "I'm so excited for this one!" vienna said happily. "Yea of course!" i rolled my eyes.

"CHICAGO SAID YES!!" vienna screamed and started to jump up and down. "Oh my god bro" i laughed at vienna from how excited she was when chicago wanted me to be apart of the team. "You HAVE to agree and work for them!"she said. "maybeee..." i shrugged.

next it was viennas turn and see which teams she got accepted to work with.

its been atleast 30 minutes while checking who she got approved to work with. the teams who said yes were new jersey, seattle, and vegas. Im really happy for her but she got approved by 2 teams i didn't get approved from, i mean she's doing a different job for them . I'm literally doing social media and she's doing something with like working out and exercising. vienna was a gymnast until she quit when she was 16 because she tear her ACl and after that she was just into working out.

me and vienna went to go downstairs and tell everyone. "Can you guys come over here." i groaned. "Bro why?" jack asked. "because me and vienna gotta tell you guys what teams with got approved for." i said. "i'm listening..."jack ran over looking me dead in the eyes. "chill down bruh."

the whole family finally got to the kitchen table. "okay are you guys gonna tell us now...?"says luke "let them talk luke" quinn nudged luke. "oh okay so i could work with seattle, vancouver and chicago!"i exclaimed. "Oh my, please come to vancouver with me!" quinn came over to me, giving me a tight hug. "ow i don't know quinn."i said as we both let go of the hug. "Anyways i could work with jersey, seattle and vegas!" vienna said. "NJ!" jack and luke chanted.

"So, who are you guys going to go with?" says dad. "I was thinking of jersey." vienna says. "good choice, vi." said jack. "sam, what about you?" dad said. "I feel like you guys are gonna hate me for this but i wanna try something new, i want to go to chicago..." i said my decision.  "Oh really? I mean you do what you think is best for you and we'll be happy."mom smiled. "Thank you guys." i smiled knowing that they are always by my side.

vienna and i went back to my room and to send our emails or whatever that we would like to work with them. "You know who you will be with?"vienna said while typing her email. "Who?" i was so confused by what she was saying "I guess you'll see when your there!" she smirked.

we were finally done with everything and i guess we are officially working with the Chicago Blackhawks and New Jeresy Devils!!

vienna left and i was left still confused from what she meant from "I guess you'll see when your there" like what? Who will I see? I guess i'm going to find out soon...


i'm so sorry i didn't post a chapter in awhile
i've been so lazy bro it's not even funny
i'm going to the stadium series this weekend devils vs flyers😈😈😈 i'm actually so scared i'm hoping that the devils win
anyways if u guys have any ideas for this story PLS let me know!!!

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