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Tatsumi's pov

Whenever he came then, I couldn't help but smile and he would smile back. Though we didn't do much here at the field, it never felt boring. Today, he taught me how to make a flower crown and compared to his work mine was a bit... messy. But still good enough for a beginner.

We ended up exchanging them which I didn't get because his was prettier but he demanded to have mine instead.
Like always, I won't understand his action, why he wanted my ugly one?

He placed his crown on my head, "pretty." he commented. Did he mean the crown?

"You're strange, why don't you keep yours?" I asked, "I wonder why I met you."

"Maybe it way fate." he replied, "fate wanted you to meet someone strange as me."

I snorted, "Fate... I don't believe in fate. You do?"

"Yeah." we laughed together but his smile faded a bit so I asked what was wrong.

"I won't be able to visit for a while..." he explained, "I'm going to the swordsmith village."

"It's alright," I replied calmly, "after your done, you can come again. Same as usual, I'll be here."

"You don't understand," he mumbled, "I'll miss you."

No ones pov

"So you're worried about that?" she made a small smile, "then..."

She picked a light blue up and held it up towards the sun to take a good look at it. After admiring its beauty, she handed it over to Muichiro, "take this, you won't feel lonely with it. Say to the flower 'enlighten me' and see what happens next."

"Is this an one-time use or..." he asked.

"Of course not."


He stared at the flower in his assigned room in the swordsmith village. It was his first day and he already missed her.

"Enlighten me." he spoke and the room became foggy and a shadow appeared. The shadow moved a limb and the fog disappeared, it was a must dragon staring at him.

"Tatsumi?" Muichiro said not sure if it was her or if she could hear her.

The dragon tilted its head and sat down on the tatami floor. Its gaze didn't leave his'.

"You're not her, right?" he said sadly.

The mist shaped like a dragon nodded but to cheer him up, it looked towards a cup on the table causing the Must hashira to follow its gaze.

The mist dragon blew towards the cup an it vanished.

Muichiro stared blankly at the spot where the cup was, "I can't believe she trusts me with you..."

The mist dragon tilted its head again.

Tatsumi's pov

I lied on the sky blue flower field and stared at the back of my hand which I raised to block the sun from my sight.

"I wonder... if he used the gower yet."

No ones pov

If felt so long... It felt very long for her.

But he finally came.

"Who did this to you?" she asked after seeing his bandages and plasters.

"One of the kizukis but he's dead now." he reassured her.

"And you didn't call my mist to help you out?" she asked being a bit mad.

"I did, you don't know?" he tilted his head.

"That's good then and no, I don't know." she crossed her arms, "... I'm not sure but I have a feeling that something... is going to happen."

He smiled sadly, "indeed, we're doing a hashira training. Because of... Muzan."

"Muzan? Who's he?" she asked, "is he bad?"

"Founder of all demons, what do you think?" he smiled.

"Oh..." she looked down, "it's going to be dangerous..."

"Don't worry about me, I'm a hashira after all!"

He promised her that he will come back to her and she waited and waited.

Muichiro looked up at the moon after the day of training, 'Tatsumi,what are you doing now? I wonder... If you are thinking about me...'

Tatsumi's pov

'I hope you're doing okay...' I thought, 'did you know, when it's dawn the place here will be the most beautiful... Like now.'

Once you're back let's see this together...

I felt restless... I hope everything will turn out fine, but his jop... was dangerous, especially... when the final battle will come...

I clenched the strings in my hand and I looked up at the bright blue sky where the kite was flying.

Come back safe...

No ones pov

Days passed after days, everyone lost counting the days and everyone was anxious...

Until an explosion...

Tatsumi's pov

I saw in a wide distance how many birds flew away alerted by something...

... Did it start?

You must come back... safe and sound...

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