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Tatsumi's pov

I came from a land far away. Humans call me monster while demons call me freak. I was an outsider, not welcomed from both sides.

Why was I born again?


Mother was violated by a demon who was obsessed with her before he turned.
She hanged herself shortly after I was born. It wasn't her fault.

As for the demon, aka. my father... I killed him. I watched how he burnt under the sunlight.

Those looks... the way everyone looked at me...

...are haunting me.

I started to travel, ignoring the demons at night and trying to hide my identity from humans.
Stopping in many villages on afternoons to rest for a bit, I envied them.
The smiles and laughter on children faces they shared with their parents. The friendly interactions between them...

I was wondering if I could...

But how...

Let's get out of here...

Maybe I just... Yes, like before...

...I shall never show myself again.

3rd person pov

This was Tatsumi's main thought, her existence was a nightmare to her. Before she left the village where she was born, the villagers knew about her mother's misfortune and treated her like dirt. After she learned how to control her blood demon art, she killed her father who was the reason she was made and immediately left starting her travels.

But at night, if she ran into demons, they would bully her and insult her. Asking what she was, a demon or human? She smelled weird in their opinion and with their mischievous nature, there was no way they will leave her alone.

Tonight was another night where demons will hit on her. She was able to defend herself but being a mixed blood, if she gains injuries she'll turn weak like humans.

On the other hand, the demons started to fear her after meeting her powerful blood demon art and of course they won't admit it.
Not forget to mention, meeting someone with a better blood demon art than theirs, they get jealous. Another reason to bully her.

A demon launched at her from behind slashing her back. Tatsumi cursed at the impact as she stumbled forward. Mists emerged from thin air blocking the view of the opponents and as the mists faded again she was gone.

"She's gone again!" the demon 1 yelled, "it's always the same move!"

Demon 2 added, "Tsk, and? What did you expect? Not human nor demon, that creature is of course weak."

"You're right!" demon 1 laughed , "and she's a coward!"

The slash wound on her back was slowly closing but not completely causing for more blood loss.

Fortunately, the sun was rising so she didn't have to worry about demons killing her. She grew tired and let herself fall in the soft fallen yellow leaves on the ground.
She hoped that it'll get better after a nap.


Many hours passed, Tatsumi finally opened her eyes and to her surprise, she was in a futon in a stranger's home, half naked. Her body was patched up with bandages covering her breasts and stomach, and the slash wound that was once deep already closed.

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