My Duke. Albedo Part 2

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You walk all around the mansion, taking in all the beautiful scenery and fresh air. Your maid Isa was by your side, chatting happily.

"My Lady, look at those flowers, aren't they so pretty?"

"Yes, dear Isa."

Every since Albedo introduced you to all the servants, they now bow down every time you crossed paths, smiles all bright.

Judging by his subordinates attitudes and the state of the duchy, he must have been quite occupied with work.

A small girl approached you.

"My lady, The Duke requests your presence in his office."

Why would Albedo want to meet you so soon after you two had just parted ways?

"I'll be there, thank you."

You dismissed the girl along with Isa, who didn't mind having free alone time to explore the duchy further.

Walking along the corridors, you knew the directions without anybody's help. 


"Come in."

The door creaked open then shut.

"I heard you wanted to see me."

Albedo was sitting upright in the master's chair, hands clustered around files.

His eyes brighten the moment they landed on you.

"Y/N... Please sit down here for a bit, I'll quickly wrap up what I am doing."

He pointed towards the couch.

You obeyed.

"Take your time."

Sitting down on the sofa, you were busy analysing Albedo's face.

He still had some traces of the young boy you had once considered as a short unrequited love. 

Though they had quieted down for years apart, the feelings began to emerged the more you spent around him.

Everything about him reminded you of the dandelion field. 

Everything about him reminded you of love.

Once Albedo had finished his work, he walked towards you, sitting by your right.

"You had dyed your appearance using magic, I presume."


Albedo reached forwards to the coffee table, pulling out from one of the cabinets a vial.

You stared at it.

"What is that for?"

You questioned.

He reached for a strand of hair that had slipped out and softly kissed it.

"Although I do not want your identity to be exposed, seeing you like this with different features felt wrong to me."

Albedo raised the vial to your face.

"So I developed a potion to counteract the effects. This will create an illusion of an alternative appearance. You will remain the same to me but different to others."

The liquid moved around with each movement.

Of course, you trusted Albedo with your life and yet now he had asked you to drink it, would you do it?

You looked at his eyes for reassurance.

Grabbing the vial in your own palms, you consumed its contents, the liquid burning down your throat.

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