Auction House. Pantalone

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You sighed heavily as you sorted through the huge mountain of paperwork sitting on your desk.

It seems as if the files just never stop arriving.

Laying back in your chair, you rubbed your eyes.

As the head banker of Liyue, you had all the financial power in the palm of your hands.

However, what comes with power is responsibility. So now you're stuck sitting in your office for hours on end just to complete a piece of paper.

Stuck in your own world, a knock arrived at the door.

Knock. Knock.

You groaned.

Another load yet again.

"Come in."

Your assistant opened the door cautiously.

Nobody wants to mess with an angry boss who just pulled an all-nighter.

"My lady, I have some good news."

Your ears perked up.

Good news? How rare...

"What is it?"

"Lady Ningguang wants to deliver the message that the Red Rose is blooming tonight."

You raised your eyebrow.

"Thank you very much, you are dismissed."

She bowed before quickly stepping out.

Tonight, huh?

Rarely anyone knows of the special code name of the underground auction house.

You would have to be someone or know somebody to even get past entrance security.

Finally, something to look forward to after all these tedious tasks.

You sighed once more, time to get back to work and quickly finish.

Picking up the pen, you continued signing.


Standing up, you pick up your coat off the coat rack and walk out of the bank, heading off towards the Jade Chamber.

Walking through the roads of Liyue, you can see children running around, playing games. People chatting and laughing wholeheartedly.

What nice scenery, you smiled.

Once arriving at the foot of the Chamber, you teleported up and stood in front of the doors.

Knocking twice, you barged in, not waiting for her response.

"Hey, are you ready to go?"

You asked out.

"What the....ever heard of knocking and actually WAITING for the person to open the door for you?"

A voice grumbled from upstairs.

You merely glanced up.

There came Ningguang ready in her evening attire, dressed perfectly for the occasion.

She took one glance back at you and pointed at your outfit.

"Please tell me you will change your outfit."

You looked down at your fit.

Does it look professional? Yes. Does it look pretty? Eh... Does it look like you're going to an underground dealing house? No.

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