Chapter @, \√^®π|πg

343 11 1

Day ???.

I'm so hungry.

My body hurts.

My head is spinning.

All I see is white.

Am I dead?


"No, you're not."

I know you.





Is that you?

That blurry figure...

Why is it red?

I'm so hungry.



Are you there?




How long has it been?

I think I can make out something.

The ringing in my ears are quiet now.


I feel queasy.

Dirty, in fact.

Eri, is that you?

Can you describe how I look?

I must be grimy and covered in filth.

I haven't washed yet.

You must find me atrocious..

Even so, please don't leave me.


What's wrong?

Why are you so afraid?

I'm not going to hurt you.

I'll never do that.


What are you looking at?


What's this?

My hands are red..

I'm chewing something?

Have I eaten?

I don't remember...


It tastes disgusting...

What did I eat?


What have I done...?

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