Chapter 11: A Reunion

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"Auntie, I'm saying this just in case but... Izuku has changed, okay? He's a lot different than he was."

Katsuki hastily followed after Inko as she passes through the corridor.

"I'll be the one who judges that, Katsuki-kun."

Inko hurriedly replied as she bypassed other patients on the hall.

"Auntie, I can't assure you that he's stable and ready for you to meet yet! What if he does something to you?"

"He's right Inko. Let's just wait for the results from the heroes for now. They said he's too aggressive at the moment, he may accidentally hurt you whether he wanted to or not.."

Mitsuki worriedly held onto Inko's arm.

"I'm his mother, he won't hurt me. Besides, what kind of mother am I to fear my own son!"

Inko kept her focus on the hall with one goal in mind.

"Inko, please!"

Mitsuki held Inko tightly, she stood her ground, not letting the woman to continue her way.

Inko harshly pulled her arm away from Mitsuki's grip as she turned to her with a distressed look on her face. She bursts into tears as she faced Mitsuki and his son.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! Mitsuki, my son suffered for years! I wasn't able to protect him nor stay by his side as his MOTHER. YEARS, Mitsuki.. It took YEARS just to see him again! I won't waste another second to let this chance slip away!"

Inko cried out before turning back and continued to walk.

"....At least.. At least, let us come with you, Auntie." Katsuki croaked.

"It's been years for me too since I last saw my best friend.. My brother."

Inko paused for a moment. She gave Katsuki an understanding nod before continuing her way as the mother-and-son duo followed after her.
Aizawa scanned the group as they presented themselves before "Puppet's" room. Inko's eyes was puffy, Mitsuki wore a troubled look, and Katsuki averts his gaze from Aizawa's.

"I remember specifically giving an order not to let the news out before we could get the results." Aizawa stares intently at his troublemaker student.

"Please, sir, let me see my son."

Inko, with a determined look, held Aizawa's hands tightly, as if pleading to let her do what she wants.

Aizawa was conflicted but at the end, sighed in defeat as he gently took his hands away from Inko's grip. He led the group inside the room, which was noticeably different from the others.

The room was divided into two parts, separated with a reinforced glass wall. On the other side of the wall were two individuals in white hospital robes, sitting closely with each other. They were currently having their lunch but only one was eating and that person was the child.

It didn't take long for the two to notice the new faces visiting them from the other side of the wall. The child looked at her companion, seemingly asking what to do with a glance. The person nudged the child to continue eating as he stood up and approached the visitors.

When they were near enough to the wall separating the two parties, the person tilted his head, seemingly indicating that he wants to know what was going on. Aizawa understood this gesture perfectly. He clears his throat and began to speak.

"Midoriya, these people should be familiar to you."

Aizawa waved his hand, gesturing to Katsuki. Midoriya followed his gesture and looked at Katsuki.

"This is Katsuki Bakugo, you met him before."

Katsuki waved his hand together with a small smile to Midoriya which was unfortunately not reciprocated.

"The woman next to him is his mother, Mitsuki Bakugo."

Aizawa gestured to Mitsuki as she stood frozen, Midoriya's appearance was a complete shock to her.

"This woman right here beside me is your mother, Inko Midoriya."

Inko approached the glass wall, her eyes teary and her breath shaking as she placed her hand on the wall. Midoriya met Inko's gaze, which was full of various emotions... Something Midoriya was unfamiliar with.

"Izuku.... My child... "

Inko whispered as beads of tears drip from her eyes. She covered her mouth as she broke down on the floor, she continued to cry as she was met with an immense amount of emostions that she couldn't possibly take right now.

Meanwhile, Izuku did not move a single inch from the place he was standing. He simply stared at the broken woman on the other side of the wall, curious like a bird.

Izuku felt a gentle tug on the feather on his left wing. It was the child that was with him. She picked the child up and let her rest on his shoulders as he moved closer to the the wall. She pointed at the crying woman and looked curiosly at Aizawa, which was preparing tissues for Inko to use from the table near the door.

Aizawa sighed in exhaustion and defeat.

"This will take a while..." He whispered to himself.
"You're going to what?" Inko choked as she puts away tissues she used to wipe her tears with.

"It's only for the meantime, Mrs
Midoriya. He will be locked here until the results from the doctor and from the investigations arrive." Aizawa repeated while keeping a calm look as much as he can. Deep inside however, he too, disagrees of this decision and is quite pissed that he can't do anything about it.

"I-if it's only about waiting for the results, why can't he just stay with me then?" Inko questioned.

"I'm sorry but that won't be possible, ma'am. He needs to be observed in case he does something. As of the moment, he doesn't even seem to remember any of you so we can't be sure that he won't try hurt you or attempt to escape." Aizawa bowed his head slightly as a sign of apology.

"Isn't that quite cruel, Mr. Aizawa? Look at him. It's obvious that he was forced to be a villain! I'm sure they're also planning to give the same treatment to that child that Izuku is with." Mitsuki retorts as she glanced at the two on the other side of the wall, bonding peacefully.

Aizawa clenched his fist, trying to keep his emotions in control. "We are quite aware of that possibility, Mrs. Bakugo, but we can't simply let him go without clear evidence of what you said. At the moment, Izuku Midoriya is currently known as a villain who put UA students in danger."

"Evidence?! You need a damn evidence?! Look at him!! Look at those scars, you don't get those with just training! He can't even remember his damn mother!" Mitsuki loses control and slams the table. Inko tries to calm her down.

Meanwhile, Aizawa cannot say anything in return. He's of course against this decision and he knows very well that the child isn't a villain by choice.

"Well how about becoming a student himself?" another voice echoed.

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