Chapter 2: A Lead? We're Going On A Trip 🥳🚀

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3rd POV:

"...okay, okay! Geez.."


"Katsuki?..Sweetie. come out of your room now.. Kat–"
" Mitsuki..! Let's just let him for now.."
".. sigh... I can't with this brat, Masaru.."


Ever since that day, Bakugo began ignoring the class- scratch that, everyone. When he's asked why, he would either reason out that he doesn't want to mingle with extras in a fuming voice or just stay silent but grumpy.

'Typical Bakugo', they thought. He was always quick to rage but ever since Izuku gone missing, it's always like he's angry and grumbling all the time. He doesn't associate with his classmates, though they think that its just normal. He always say, 'LEAVE ME ALONE YOU EXTRAS' or 'SHUT UP WASTES'.

With his crude personality, you would think that he's the 'gangster' of the school, but no. Surprisingly, his grades are high and so is his conduct. Unlike before, he doesn't look for fights nor does he take on challenges unless necessary.

Of course many took this chance to insult him, 'finally', but neither one of them could hold a candle against him every annual school competitions because every single time, not caring for the rules, he would call out the people he wanted to beat up. And it doesn't end in a good way. Best way of showering them with shame and humiliation though, right? He's like fireworks, bright, unapproachable and explosive.


It's been months, or maybe years.

Katsuki would always post or hand out missing posters together with his family. He also visit Inko daily since she's been stress eating and depressed ever since the ball of sunshine has gone missing. It's good that she didn't lose hope that Izuku is still alive.

Eventually, it became a norm that Katsuki sleeps at Inko's pretty often especially when his parents is out for trips. He would stay at Inko's since she's been on recovery and Katsuki, as if to fill up Izuku's place, would take care of Inko. It's his way of paying back what he thinks is his fault. Inko permitted Katsuki in Izuku's room, she knows how much the boy misses his son. (Btw, they're neighbors because it's convenient ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯)

The news spread fast and became the hot topic for some time. Some of them were slandering the kid, shameless really. But many found this story as kind of pitiful and sad. Although as months passed by, it ended up getting swept under the rug. It was soon deemed a cold case and closed 2 years later and the kid was announced dead.

The Bakugo's with Inko didn't acknowledge this news at all. They continued on looking for Izuku, handing out missing flyers, searching the internet and different social forums, checking possible related news, and always going to the station to ask them to find the kid. Most police and heroes denied or eventually gave up on the case. They kept on saying that the kid may not be alive anymore at this point of time but let's be realistic. Who would want to save an unevolved fella in this rotten but 'upgraded' society? Everybody is a superhuman here and a powerless kid doesn't really fit in anymore..

Katsuki began training himself ever since Izuku's disappearance. It started off just with studying but soon, the dirt of the society couldn't be hidden from him no more as he began to realize what was really happening right Infront of him.

Katsuki began writing 'observations' of his own accord. It helped him in the case and also tracking his progress. Of course, with many blown up notebooks out of frustration, he decided to just take notes on phone and print and paste it later on his notebook. Eventually, he ended up sometimes writing and updating Izuku's notebooks in hopes that Izuku would one day be able to read it. He found comfort in writing analysis', probably why Izuku always writes. He can vent there and write everything and anything as long as it can be kept in secrecy. None really found out about it so good for him, right?.

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