Chapter 6: Mask down

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3rd POV

"... I.. AM HERE..!"

".. grrr.." a growl broke out, the 'black gear' that was wrapping Aizawa's hands tightened and Aizawa could feel anger emitting from his back. He can't look to the expression of the greenette, they made sure of that.

'urk... Dang, that hurt.. oh, it's gone now. '

That small growl managed to catch the attention of a certain ash blonde boy. Said boy is now sending stares that could poke to the wild boy. Actually- scratch that. It grabbed the attention of everyone that was near.

The unknown fluffs on the greenette frizzled and flapped aggressively. 'Wait- flapped? Those are wings? Wh-' the thought was cut off by a sudden punch. Allmight sent a blow straight to Puppet's cheek, it didn't do much actually because the mask is quite sturdy and that hit can't compare to his usual training.

The unexpected punch only made the greenette take few steps back away from his position. The black gear that was connected to his wrists also got pulled including Aizawa that was tied on said 'gear'.

Aizawa rolled to his side where the exposed elbow flesh is located. As it rubbed to the dusty floor,he winced and gritted his teeth harshly forcing out the pain. It didn't take long as the pain once again disappeared.

The greenette's mask cracked a bit, the 'black tape' was cut forcefully by Allmight then he grabbed Eraserhead, which in turn, Aizawa sent deathly glares but he can't just stand up knowing what the greenette told him- to pretend.

Allmight immediately bought Aizawa back up near the entrance. He limped a bit but stood up just fine after getting used. He's now with 13 and the few of the students remaining to her side, they were trying to contact someone while carefully carrying Thirteen to the entrance door and soon outside. (The portal loop disappeared once Allmight came)

Allmight jumped back down to the center where the villains are located.


"Allmight.. I've been waiting for this day. Now that you're here, it's finally time to end you! PUPPET! ATTACK HIM!!"

"Finally, he's here~! There's the so awaited fight~~~~"
"Tch, I hope he stubbed his toe hard on the way here for being late."
"Pfftt~ You're so cruel, Dabi-nii! Puhahaha~~!!"

Frog and grapehead ran towards the entrance to get away from the site of the fight whilst dragging the currently annoyed injured teen. The villain just stood there and watched them. They're not important anyways, just one of those hero wannabes he kills when he's bored so why should he bother?

Aizawa helped Thirteen with the students out, surprising to them because he seem severely injured. How can he even stand up with all that blood? He also checked up on the back-ups that were near now, just a corner and few meters away. He went back inside and observed the villains, especially the greenette. The kid's features are now clear to him, there's no red in his sight anymore.

The greenette had curly forest green hair, albeit longer than normal. He is currently wearing a metal mask with yellow opaque eyes, how can he see? He had shackles attached on his neck, wrists, and ankles. Each of them had a small bit of chain dangling a bit, embellished with orange glowing marks that formed as PUP on his neck, P on his wrists, 0 in his right ankle, & 2 on his left ankle, in a modern-styled font.

He's barefooted, had long ears, and a pair of light greenish small wings. He doesn't seem to be wearing anything other than that rag of an oversized T-shirt (it's long enough to reach his knees) and few medical bandages loosely wrapped on his limbs. He really needs to change, his clothing is stained with whatever's including blood.

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