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"Baby.....just one more spoon.....!!" Pete requested.

"Nooo papa......yaakkk!!" Venice replied

" little good boy.....please listen to papa....!!"

"No no soup.....!!" Venice shook his head.

But pete can't see the little head since Venice is hiding behind the the huge pillow he was holding to hide from his papa.

"Ven.....are you being a bad boy now!?? Papa will get angry!!!"

"Papa can't get angry. Ven is sick and sad....!!" Venice pouted.

Pete can imagine Venice pout behind that pillow.

He sighed wondering how to convince this little son of his.

The door opened and vegas walked in along with Macau.

Pete and Venice turned to the sound.

Seeing Venice hiding behind a huge pillow on the bed...Vegas and Macau couldn't help but chuckle.

"Dada...!!" Venice squealed.

He jumped from the bed and ran to his Dada jumping in his arms.

Vegas chuckled and kissed his head.

" are you baby!?? Why are you hiding behind that pillow!??"

"Dada......papa is feeding me Yaak soup." Venice complained.

"Yaak soup!??"

"Yes. Yaak's sick people soup!!"

"Really!?? Who said that!??"

"Uncle Macau!!" Venice pointed to Macau.

Vegas turned to macau and questioned.

"Mac!?? Did you say that!??"

"Its trueeee!!" Macau answered.

Vegas rolled his eyes.

"Ven....please eat some soup baby. You need to take your meds....!" Pete requested.

"No no no!!" Venice hid in his Dadas arms.

Vegas ruffled his hair.

He looked up pete who is looking worried.

Vegas made Venice sit on the bed and face him.

"Ven.......If you don't eat can you take your meds!??" Vegas asked.

"But it doesn't taste good Dada...!" Venice replied.

"Mm. True. Then.....what do ven want to eat!??"

Venice thought placing his little finger to his chin.....After a few seconds....he replied.


"Ohhhh....pasta.....mmm....does ven like pasta!??" Vegas questioned.

Venice nodded like a golden retriever smiling wide.

"Yes Dada...!"

"Then.......ven should have this!!"

Vegas took a box from the bag ge brought and opened the lid.

"Pastaaaaaa!!" Venice squealed.

Vegas chuckled at his happiness.

"Now will ven have his dinner!??"

"Yes Dada...!!" Venice smiled.

Vegas ruffled his hair and took a spoon started feeding him.

"Mm...yummy.....!!" Venice was happy taking big bites.

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