Chapter 5 - Pacific Escalation

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>HMAS Irresitable POV<

"So, Wat brings you over 'ere mate?" A Leander class cruiser asked me as I smiled, both of us were assigned to the Rest&Repair ward, both of us using the 2nd R as we had been injured in various ways

"Ah you know, the weather, the climate... war, the usual" I said back to her jokingly

"You have humour? Well colour me impressed" She continued as we both continued the walk, both of us having our uniform rather short, her having it designed that way, while I had to take off the coat, only having a white short-sleeved shirt that made me look like I was actually on vacation, that look being helped by a bonnet that copied some parts of "my ships" superstructure

"So, how did your rigging get so damaged?" I finally asked as the girl was suddenly looking a bit embarrassed

She stopped walking and looked around, sighing afterwards

"You a lady, right?" She asked, not talking about my gender but rather status

"You could say." I responded in kind while stopping so she wasn't left behind

"Promise you won't tell anyone..." The leader class cruiser said as she clearly wasn't too proud of the reason for her damage

"One question first... does your commander know?" I asked, wanting to be sure the promise was one that I could keep

"Yes... if you ask him, he will answer..." She said to me as I appeared to be in thought for a few seconds, but in reality, I already decided and just wanted to see the cruiser's timid appearance for a while longer

"I'll keep your secret" I finally answered as she walked closer and spoke in a hushed tone

"I-... I got ambushed by a merchant raider... Kormoran captured one of the transport ships... and when I wasn't looking she jumped down to the water, and fired a few quick salvos before I could zero in on her... she and I barely managed to get out alive... If I had to guess she is probably still on her way to Sakura Empire for safe harbour" Sydney told me and after even hearing her shortened version of the story, I could only imagine how embarrassing that would be if I was in her shoes... if I didn't have a worse story

"I have a story for you then..." I told her as the cruiser got interested immediately "and yes, It's embarrassing..." I continued, making sure to get her interest as high as possible "If you want to hear it... prepare us some tea and a place" I told her as the youngster was quick to leave.

Everyone always liked to hear stories from battleships, no matter at what naval base or station I stayed at. They sometimes asked about the early days of fights against the sirens, and other Kan-sen

A couple of hours passed as I began to walk to the small garden that was placed on base specially for Kan-sen, close enough to the port and other places so that in case of something, we would be quick to respond even during a break, and with furniture that could withstand the "Unluckily heavy" Of us, the wisdom cube's sometimes did produce an odd one out. As I entered the seating area, I could see more than one cruiser as it seemed that Sydney's sudden interest in tea parties made the other girls realize something was up

"Tis thou that hath Sydney in such a craze" The first V-class destroyer said as she was the first to notice me

"Lady Irresistible?" Adelaide followed as she did a curtsey, receiving a smile from me as I don't remember the last time someone did that because of me

"Yes, It is me," I said with a smile as I walked over to the table that was decorated... peculiarly, but it wasn't a mess.

"What thou did to Sydney for her to act like that?" Vampire asked as she was clearly the most interested in the whole reason behind the meeting while I could guess Adelaide wanted to hear whatever we were to discuss as she remained silent and listened on the sideline

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