Is this the end?

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The sky is covered in clouds, and the sun trying its hard to get noticed however, the gloomy day brings a sense of despair. The park stood still with an unusual silence on a Saturday morning, the air humid and hot like a mid-day breeze, waves too reluctant to break. Karishma made her way to the bench, a hop in her step and face smitten,

"Hello! This is an unseemly climate to talk to one's favourite person, however, is everything alright? I mean it freaked me out when you called at 3 in the morning" Karishma smiled but her instincts screamed something else, Haseena smiled at her, however, her eyes reflected the gloominess around her

"Karishma, I had a great time yesterday, thank you so much" She signed, as Karishma started to speak, Haseena stopped her and continued

"Before anything you say, I want to tell you something, I don't think we should see each other anymore" she signed

"What? Did I do something wrong? I am so sorry if I hurt you"

"Karishma, you are a nice person, but not the person I am looking for. I want to be honest with you, I don't think I'll be happy with you. You don't take your career seriously, you tried to leave LA without a job, if they hadn't offered a job here you would be unemployed by now. I worked hard for my career and I can never do anything which puts me in jeopardy. And I don't even know you, every time I tried to talk about you, you always portray my likes are your likes, either they are seriously a coincidence or you're bluffing, and the chances for the first one is highly unlikely. You are nearly 30 and haven't once been in a serious relationship. I know I'm blunt, however, I don't want to leave without a reason. I am so sorry to end it in this way. Take care, Karishma, goodbye" Haseena walked away.

Sachi and Haseena sunk into the couch, sweaty and hot, faces bright with all the exercise in the park.

"Girls wash up and come. I baked a cake" Santosh shouted from the kitchen. Haseena and Sachi smiled at each other

"The first one will get an extra piece" Haseena shouted as she ran into her room

Settling in, they sat with a piece of cake on each plate, satisfying the famished taste buds, yearning more with each bite, Santosh stared at Haseena's phone which vibrated constantly with phone calls, however kept to herself when Haseena ignored after seeing the phone. Late at night, as they put Sachi to bed, they ended up watching a lame movie from the '90s.

"How are you doing?" Santosh asked

"I'm good" Haseena smiled with a frown

"Did you guys fight? I mean last night you were all smitten, in the morning when you acted aloof, I thought you didn't want me to tease you, but evening you haven't answered any of her calls. What happened honey?"

Haseena sat silently staring ahead, she closed her eyes"I said, we should stop seeing each other" Haseena glanced at the astonished Santosh and explained their last conversation

"What? Why? Why would you do that to her? Yesterday when you came out of your room, I saw the same look on her face, which Sachi has for you, she adores you. This is not fair for you to break her heart with those harsh words, and I haven't seen you so happy in these past 3 years. Why are you doing this to her and yourself?"

"I mean everything I said, Santu"

"Come on Hasu, we both know you hate judging; you can't judge your students for internal evaluation, you give everyone an A for their class performance. Is this because..." Before she could complete Haseena spoke

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