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Wally's POV

To say it was a rough night would be an understatement. I'm already used to not sleeping much, so I made sure to sit on the side of their bed until they finally fell asleep. It was strange being back in that room. I remeber all the sleepovers and other fun times we had in here all those years ago.

There were a few times they had woken up in a panic, no doubt because of a nightmare. Each time I would assure them I was still there and wasn't going anywhere. They were so exhausted they fell back asleep almost immediately.

When the sun finally rose again, I snuck out to Howdy's shop for something to make for breakfast, along with other groceries for them. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a bit guilty knowing they haven't really been eating while they've been here, and I definitely haven't made things any easier for them.

They were still asleep when I returned, so I took the time to cook some pancakes and set out some fruit. Originally, I had planned for us to visit some more of my friends today, but after the night we had I don't think either of us are really up for that. Plus, we had a party to plan where everyone would be together anyway.

The sound of creaking alerted me that they had woken up. "Good morning sleepy head." I greeted with a hesitant smile, hoping things wouldn't be too painfully awkward.

They gave a small smile in return, rubbing the sleep from their eyes. "Morning Wally." Their voice wavered with both uncertainty and the remains of sleep in their system.

I was finishing up pouring the last bit of batter in for the last batch when they peeked over my shoulder to get a look. "You really didn't have to make-"

"I wanted to." I rushed to cut them off.

They didn't fight back, and instead took a seat at the table where I had set out the fresh fruit. Their face lit up at the sight "Oh (F/F), my favorite!"

"I know" I smiled to myself, glad that I remembered correctly.

I could feel their eyes watching me closely as I plated the last bit of food. "So..." They dragged out.  "Who are we visiting today? Any new leads Watson?"

I admired their attempts at lightening the tension in the air. "Actually, I thought it would be best to take the day off. It would be rather difficult to focus with... all of this new information fresh in your mind." I tried to choose my words wisely as to not reopen the wound from last night. They nodded, staring absentmindedly at the table as I placed a plate of pancakes down in front of them. "Now eat up, we still have a party to plan after all. Unfortunately we don't get a break from that with it so close."

"And who's fault is that?" They tilted their head up at me with a small smirk. Usually I would be set off by their sassy comments, so it took me by surprise when the anger that usually boils up in my chest was replaced by a strange warmth.

"Touché" I sat down across from them with my plate. The room fell silent as I watched them move their food around with their fork, a blank look on their face. "Oh darn." I jumped up to grab my once again forgotten utensils, a fork and knife, so I can eat with them.

They raise an eyebrow at me as I sit back down. "How come you never remember your utensils? Aren't those kind of important to eat?" They laugh lightheartedly.

mysotis ((wally darling x reader))Where stories live. Discover now