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      My tired eyes scanned over the mountain of cardboard boxes and trash bags that swallowed what was once my bedroom. It seems like only yesterday my mom was decorating the ceiling with glow in the dark stars. According to her, seven was too old to have a nightlight. But that didn't stop me from crying every time I was left in the dark to sleep.

12 years later and i'm finally taking them down. Y'know, some childhood fears never really go away.

After peeling away each individual star, it was clear they had run their course and were ready to move onto their next home: the garbage. I folded up the metal ladder I used and made my way back to the closet where it belonged, letting the music filling my room fade into the distance.

"Hey honey, you almost finished packing?" My mom's face peered around the closet door with her usual patient smile.

"Almost. Just have to finish taking everything off the walls."

She hummed in response, leaning against the door once I shut it. "And you're sure you got everything out of the basement?"

"Yeah, and made sure to leave everything I don't want anymore in the yard sale pile." I grinned, just a little proud of my goldfish brain for remembering.

Mom smiled and gave a tiny nod of approval. "And the attic?"

"Oh shit-"

"Language." She warned.

"Sorry sorry" I waved off as my eyebrows furrowed. "I'll go check it out now."

"Be careful up there!" She called as I walked further down the long hallway.

Honestly I completely forgot we even had an attic. If anything's up there it's probably either covered in spider webs and dust or would only be of use to a toddler.

I decide to check it out nonetheless. Who knows, maybe i'd find an old piggy bank full of cash!

I get on my tiptoes and reach up to grab the string to pull open the door on the ceiling, bringing the wooden stairs down with it. Peering into the dark abyss above me, the cold air drafted down and sent shivers down my spine.

I vaguely recall there being a light switch at the top of the stairs, but I wasn't about to risk getting up there just to find out it doesn't work anymore, which by the looks of it was very likely. Running back to my room, I grabbed my phone, turning down the music so I still had some sort of comforting noise other than my own thoughts, and returned back to the stairs.

I readied the flashlight on my phone in one hand while the other ghosted above the wood railing, helping me keep my balance while avoiding the little paint chips threatening to stab me at the slightest contact.

Upon reaching the top, I felt around until my hand landed on the light switch, which as I thought, didn't work.

"How long has it been since anyone has been up here?" I wondered, an eerie feeling dancing through the air around me.

At this point, my head was the only part of me peeking up into the room. I could just turn back now. Like I said before, there isn't gonna be anything of use to me up here. I tossed the idea around in my head as I slowly panned the flashlight around. Dusty old furniture and a plethora of boxes were scattered around, so it looked just like my room right now.

I had almost turned around to call it a night until something in the corner of the room caught my eye. There was a pile of boxes, one with my name scribbled on it in red marker, surrounded by little doodles of hearts, stars, and flowers.

Pushing down my fear, I carefully lifted myself onto the old wood planks, causing them to let out a very loud creaking sound. I held my breath as I quickly tiptoed across the room to the pile of boxes, scared that staying in one spot for too long would cause the old wood to break under me.

mysotis ((wally darling x reader))Where stories live. Discover now