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I froze under the dark skinned figure's bewildered gaze. I don't remember seeing them at the house with the others earlier, but I definitely recognized them from my old drawings.

"Well?" They crossed their arms, narrowing their eyes at me as if they were trying to burn a hole into my skull with them.

"I-i'm (Y/N)... who are you?"

"...Frank..." They hesitated before leaving down to get a closer look at me "Why are you here?"

I gulped "W-well I was feeling a bit hungry after all this... moving... so I was looking for the-"

"No no no, that's not what I mean. Why did you move here? We haven't had a new neighbor in ages." They had backed away a bit, probably sensing I wasn't much of a threat and in fact was rather frightened.

"Y'know.. i'm not completely sure." I forced a smile and laughed a bit. I mean, I technically wasn't lying, but this answer didn't seem to satisfy them. "I guess I just needed a change and this looked like a rather lovely neighborhood."

They nodded in agreement, looking almost proud. "Well i'm glad to hear that, we do take pride in our small towns appearance, especially us gardeners." A smirk tugged on their lips as they placed their hands on their hips. "Now, what was it you said you were looking for?"

"Just any grocery stores or food places around here; i'm starving." I smiled sheepishly as my stomach let out a loud growl.

Frank chuckled lightly "Of course, Howdy's bodega is just around the corner. Here, follow me."

I did as they said, following them around like a lost puppy as the light faded more and more by the second.

"Here we are" They pushed the door open and I quickly thanked them when they held it open for me. "Howdy's got anything you could ever need."

Man they weren't kidding. The green walls were lined with numerous shelves that formed out little aisles full of tons of different things. Got a cut? There's bandaids. Doing an art project? There's art supplies. Hungry? There's snacks. Really hungry? There's little heat and eat meals.

The sound of another voice conversing with Frank drew me back to the counter where I almost fainted from surprise. Standing at behind the register was a giant green caterpillar man. He had to be at least 6'7 and had two sets of arms.

"Well would ya look at that." It took me a minute to realize, i'm guessing Howdy, was staring at me in curiosity.

"(Y/n), this is Howdy, the store owner."

Slowly and cautiously, I made my way over to them, my eyes never leaving the tall green figure. "N-nice to meet y-you." I stuttered out, giving him a shy smile as I strained my neck to look up at him.

"Well it's real nice to meet you to (y/n)!" He grabbed my hands and shook them with two of his while the others remained firm on his hips. "Welcome to the neighborhood! We haven't had any new friends since... gosh how long has it been?" I eased up as he gently released my hands, beginning to realize he probably wasn't as scary as he may look. "So what brings you two here this late? I was just about to close up shop."

I perked up, remembering the reason I had come in the first place. "Sorry for coming so late, I've just been so busy unpacking I realized I forgot to eat or even just get groceries."

Howdy's eyes widened "Well that just won't do! You go pick out anything you want, it's on the house."

My face flushed at the kind offer, feeling almost guilty just taking something for free. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely! We can't have our new neighbor going hungry." He beamed, motioning to the aisles with one arm "Go have a look around."

Him and Frank jumped back into their previous conversation as I took a closer look at each item on the shelves. There was a ton of snack foods I liked, but that wouldn't be a very healthy dinner, especially seeing I haven't eaten all day.

mysotis ((wally darling x reader))Where stories live. Discover now