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      Wally wasted no time knocking in a fun rhythm on the red door. "Coming!" A high pitched voice called from within the home. There was shuffling and then the sound of quick footsteps before the door swung open. "Wally!" The blonde haired girl squealed as she threw her arms around her friend.

Wally returned the hug after catching himself from falling backwards. "Hiya Julie!" He laughed at her energetic antics. Once they separated, he stepped aside and motioned behind himself to where I stood. "You remember our new neighbor (Y/N) don't you?"

Her smile and eyes widened as she ran over to great me, taking one of my hands in both of hers and shaking it vigorously. "(Y/N)! It's great to see you again! Do you remember when I came to welcome you at your house?"

I placed my free hand on top of hers, getting her to stop the shaking motion that was starting to make me feel dizzy. "Yeah of course! It's nice to see you too Julie." I smiled back, secretly wondering how such a short girl could hold so much energy inside.

"We thought it would be a good idea for you two to spend some time together. (Y/N) doesn't have many friends here yet and you're great at making everyone feel welcome." Wally explained with a bright smile accompanying his usual tired eyes. "Which reminds me, we're going to be having a housewarming party this Saturday to celebrate their arrival."

Julie's eyes brightened in excitement, shining like stars. "Oh really!?"

A forced chuckle escaped my lips as I tried my best to make my smile look genuine "Apparently!" I glared at Wally, who decided to ignore me.

"Where are my manors?" Julie gasped, stepping aside to hold the door open for us "Come in come in, make yourselves at home."

The inside looked just like a doll house. The
wallpaper was a light ivory color with little red hearts evenly spaced out in neat rows. She had two red couches with little throw pillows that matched the walls. Little knick knack glass figures lined the shelves hanging on the walls, reminding me of the ones my mother used to collect.

"How are you liking it here so far?" Julie questioned, taking my hand in hers and leading me to one of the couches. She flattened her skirt as she sat down, me following but leaving a fair amount of space between us. Immediately, she bounced closer so that our legs were now pressed against each other.

"It's really lovely. Everyone is very friendly." I laughed nervously, hoping she would take the hint as I attempted to slide away a little.

Unfortunately, she didn't, and instead placed both her hands onto my one leg as she smiled brightly. "Oh that's wonderful to hear! I'm so glad to meet someone new it's been so long! There's so much we need to do together: go shopping, have sleepovers, bake, garden, watch movies.."

She continued rambling excitedly as I glanced up at Wally. My eyes begged for help which only seemed to further his amusement. He was clearly getting a kick out of this as he sat back on the couch across from us with a shit eating grin.

This went on for a while, Julie carrying most of the conversation which mostly included asking me lots of questions about myself and where I came from. At one point, while talking about a particularly special memory of my mom on my birthday, I was hit with a wave of sorrow and anxiety as I realized she hasn't heard from me in days now. That is, if time moves the same here as it does in the real world, otherwise it might have even been months already. She's probably worried sick looking for me. What am I even going to say to her when I get back? "Hey mom! Sorry I was gone for so long I was trapped in another dimension full of those puppet characters I was telling you about. And they're real!" She would think I went insane! Or maybe I have...

mysotis ((wally darling x reader))Where stories live. Discover now