Fighting Side by Side

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Narrator's POV

(I listened to 'Come and Get Your Love' by Redbone while writing this bit)

Y/n, Steve and Dustin stop walking as they arrive at the abandoned junkyard, a school bus in the middle and a couple of cars around with some pieces and parts scattered around, Steve nods as he looks around the place.

"Oh yeah, yeah, this will do, this will do fine" Steve says examining the place, and taking his sunglasses off, walking off to get a better look, "Good call, dude" he adds.

Dustin smiles at his comment, Y/n notices and pats his cap with a smile, "Come on" he tells him as he moves to follow Steve.

They place the remaining meat near the bus which they decided was where they would hide while waiting for Dart to appear.

"I said medium-well!" The three of them look up from the ground as they hear Lucas, he waves at them with a girl next to him, ginger-haired, Y/n remembers seeing her once when he first saw Billy, she was in the car with him.

"Who's that?" Steve asks. Dustin doesn't reply though he just stares at the girl as she walks towards them with Lucas, his expression is hard to read but Y/n and Steve understand almost immediately that she must be the girl Dustin likes, they look at each other, raising their eyebrows and then looking back at Dustin.

Dustin and Lucas go off to talk somewhere while Steve and Y/n continue placing things in front of the bus to create a shield of sorts, the ginger girl helping them, Y/n decides to introduce himself, given the fact it seems she's been made aware of the situation and will be joining them.

"I'm Y/n, Y/n Clarke," he says looking at her as he places the broken hood of a car in front of the bus, next to where she was placing a bit of metal.

"Max," the girl says with an awkward smile, "You're Mr. Clarke's son?" she asks and Y/n nods smiling back at her.

"Yeah he's my dad, you're Billy's sister?" he asks.

"Step-sister" she quickly corrects, clearly unhappy at the name.

"Sorry," Y/n apologises, "You recently moved here then? What do you think of little Hawkins?"

"It's alright, I guess, it's very different from California, but at least the guys have been nice to me" she answers.

"Yeah, they're good kids" Y/n nods looking around trying to spot Dustin and Lucas but he doesn't see them so he looks back at Max.

"Have you known them for long?" she asks.

"Yeah, I used to babysit them when they were younger, you could say I still babysit them" he replies with a chuckle, Max smiles at his comment, she moves to get more things to cover the bus with, Y/n smiling as he watches her walk away and then turns around.

"Sorry" Steve apologises as they bump into each other, one of his hands moving to lay on Y/n's arm.

"I'm alright don't worry" he replies with a smile.

"So, who's she?" Steve asks looking at Max and then back at Y/n.

"Max, Billy's step-sister"

"Hargrove's?" Steve asks surprised, Y/n nods, "Wow, what are the chances" he adds his hand falling from Y/n's arm as he moves back.

"Where are Dustin and Lucas?" Y/n asks Steve who points to a red car near them.

"They're back there talking about who knows what while we do all the work, hold on let me get them," Steve says walking over to them, grabbing a chair from the floor on the way, Y/n following right behind him.

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