More Than A Coincidence

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Narrator's POV

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, Y/n!"

He stops walking, turning around to look at who was calling his name in the corridor, and he sees Robin rushing towards him, almost falling back but she catches her balance before she falls and continues running toward him.

"You won't believe what I just saw," She says stopping in front of him.

"What?! What happened?" He asked, wondering what exciting information she found out now.

"Steve Harrington is going out with Nancy Wheeler," She told him, eyes wide open, "Can you believe it? I thought he only dated the pretty easy-to hook up with girls"

"I thought that too, but I also guessed something might be going on between them since I saw them hanging out yesterday" He shares with Robin, "I never would've guessed that Nancy would be the type of girl to go out with someone like Steve"

"Right! I mean she's so smart and pretty! She could get any guy in Hawkins and she went for the dumb popular guy of all" Robin said, she had never been able to understand what people saw on Steve, she saw him as a grade A asshole.

Y/n thought Steve was okay, he didn't want to have much of an opinion on him since he didn't talk to him outside of the classroom so technically didn't know the 'real' him, but he didn't hate him or anything like that.

"Maybe there's something about him that they see" He points out.

"Or maybe they just have such a low-self esteem they will settle for someone like him"

"You really don't like him do you?" He asks her, knowing very well her answer.

"I have a right to dislike him alright, he's an asshole to some people, is rich and he gets the chance to date most if not all of my crushes" Robin explains annoyed.

"How is he being rich something that adds to him being an asshole?" Y/n asks confused as to how that comment is relevant to the conversation.

"Because, meanwhile we're both here poor with our part-time jobs" She complains opening her locker as she takes out her books.

"I'm pretty sure he can't help the fact he's rich, and I'm not really poor, so technically you should hate me too," He tells her, partially joking.

"I could never hate you though, and you're economically okay"

"Wow, so you're saying I'm almost poor?" Y/n asks her walking to his next class.

"I, but also yes" Robin explains to him.

"Rude" Y/n adds as he pushes Robin away from him.

They both laugh at each other as they continue walking down the corridor, knowing that this is just one of their usual banters. Yet Steve stayed at the back of Y/n's mind after the conversation ended and he wondered what type of person he really is, whether he's an asshole like many think, or whether there's more to him than meets the eyes.

He had most lessons with Steve actually, but they never really talked outside of science, he guessed it was due to the fact in his other classes he sat next to Tommy or some of his popular friends, so it would be weird for him to speak to Y/n as if they were close friends since they weren't, he wasn't even sure if they were friends, he supposed they were simply acquaintances, or just classmates, anything along those lines.

Sometimes he would catch him staring at him, which he found a bit strange but he guessed he just spaced out those times, it happened to him sometimes as well so he knew not to overthink about it. And there wasn't really a reason for him to overthink about it anyway, he didn't find Steve interesting in that way, sure he thought he was probably hiding more than what he led on, and that his only mystery was more than just him trying to act cool.

A Chemical Reaction Called Love (Steve Harrington x Masc!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now