I Wish You Were Someone Else

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Narrator's POV

(I listened to 'If You Leave Me Now' by Chicago while writing this bit)

Scott realises Y/n has arrived as he hears the front door shutting loudly. He walks out of the kitchen and looks at the time: 10:20 pm; it was late, but he expected Y/n to arrive later, plus he was supposed to pick him up, so he was surprised by his arrival.

"Hey, champ, how was the party?" Scott asks as he walks over to Y/n who immediately looks at him, and right away Scott notices his red eyes. "What happened?"

Y/n starts crying and leans over to hug his dad, his head hiding on his shoulder as he cries, his arms wrapped tightly around him, just like when he was little and would get hurt, looking for his dad, who he knew would always be there whenever he was sad, and did Y/n need him right now. Scott didn't hesitate to hug him back, his arms pulling him closer tightly as he caressed his back gently, looking down at him worried.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Scott asks; his voice is soft and preoccupied.

"Steve kissed me." Y/n mumbles, his face still on his dad's shoulder.

Scott's eyes widen, and his eyebrows furrow in confusion. He would guess Y/n would be happy, but this was very much the opposite reaction.

"But then, when he broke the kiss, he looked at me as if he had killed someone and then said he wasn't gay, and I just..." Y/n choked on his words as a sob escaped his lips, his eyes tightly closing as he tried to continue talking. "He tried to apologise after, but I left, and I-I was so stupid to think I might have a chance with him."

"Oh, kiddo," Scott sighed as he softly patted Y/n's head, taking everything he just said in. The situation was complicated; clearly, there was more going on between Y/n and Steve than either would like to accept or understand, and it made everything so much more complicated. "I'm so sorry."

"He's kind of dating Nancy as well, still. I mean, they got into a fight today, but... I think that's why he kissed me; he just felt lonely."

"Don't try to make sense of what happened; it'll only make you feel worse, and you shouldn't assume anything." Scott says as he moves Y/n back slightly so he can see his face, "Let's go sit down first, okay?"

Scott leads Y/n towards the couch, and both of them sit down. Scott hands him a tissue so he can wipe his tears, his hand reassuringly moving to Y/n's shoulder.

"Tell me again everything that happened," he adds.

Y/n goes over the entire night, Steve walking out of Tina's house on the verge of tears over his argument with Nancy, the conversation in the cafe, the hug, the drive back, the kiss, and what Steve says before Y/n leaves the car in a rush. Scott listens carefully the entire time, nodding along as Y/n speaks but not saying anything, instead analysing the night and what Y/n mentioned about Steve, and he starts making his hypothesis: Steve Harrington might also have feelings for his son, but, as far as he can guess, from the way he was raised, he cannot accept those feelings are there. So when they finally came out, his immediate reaction was to deny them and hide them again.

He wouldn't share his theory with Y/n though; just in case he was wrong, he wouldn't want Y/n to have any hopes, and he wouldn't want to complicate Y/n's and Steve's relationship more than it already is. Instead, right now he needed to comfort his son and wait to see what would happen with Steve.

"I just- I don't understand; why would he kiss me just to say that right after?" Y/n says, shaking his head as he looks down at his hands, his nose red from crying.

"I'm not sure, champ; I'm sorry-"

The doorbell rings, interrupting Scott. Both of them turn to stare at the door, and Y/n sighs, standing up as the bell continues ringing.

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